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The relationships between external and internal training loads in mixed martial arts. (2023)
Journal Article
KIRK, C., LANGAN-EVANS, C., CLARK, D.R. and MORTON, J.P. 2024. The relationships between external and internal training loads in mixed martial arts. International journal of sports physiology and performance [online], 19(2), pages 173-184. Available from:

As a multidisciplined combat sport, relationships between external and internal training loads and intensities of mixed martial arts (MMA) have not been described. The aim of this study was to determine the external loads and intensities of MMA train... Read More about The relationships between external and internal training loads in mixed martial arts..

The collagen synthesis response to an acute bout of resistance exercise is greater when ingesting 30 g hydrolyzed collagen compared with 15 g and 0 g in resistance-trained young men. (2023)
Journal Article
LEE, J., TANG, J.C.Y., DUTTON, J., DUNN, R., FRASER, W.D., ENRIGHT, K., CLARK, D.R., STEWART, C.E. and ERSKINE, R.M. 2024. The collagen synthesis response to an acute bout of resistance exercise is greater when ingesting 30 g hydrolyzed collagen compared with 15 g and 0 g in resistance-trained young men. Journal of nutrition [online], 154(7), pages 2076-2086. Available from:

Resistance exercise (RE) stimulates collagen synthesis in skeletal muscle and tendon but there is limited and equivocal evidence regarding an effect of collagen supplementation and exercise on collagen synthesis. Furthermore, it is not known if a dos... Read More about The collagen synthesis response to an acute bout of resistance exercise is greater when ingesting 30 g hydrolyzed collagen compared with 15 g and 0 g in resistance-trained young men..

Physical testing and strength and conditioning practices differ between coaches working in academy and first team soccer. (2023)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R. ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2023. Physical testing and strength and conditioning practices differ between coaches working in academy and first team soccer. International journal of sports science and coaching [online], 18(4), pages 1045-1055. Available from:

Scientific guidelines exist regarding strength and conditioning (S&C) best practice, for both first team and academy level soccer. However, it is not known if these research-informed guidelines are followed in such applied settings. The aim of this s... Read More about Physical testing and strength and conditioning practices differ between coaches working in academy and first team soccer..

The use of physical characteristics to explain variation in ball-carrying capability in elite rugby union: a narrative review. (2023)
Journal Article
HART, A., ERSKINE, R. and CLARK, D. 2023. The use of physical characteristics to explain variation in ball-carrying capability in elite rugby union: a narrative review. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 37(8), pages 1718-1727. Available from:

The effectiveness of offensive ball carrying has been identified as a key determinant in elite rugby union try-scoring success and subsequent match outcome. Despite this, there is limited research evaluating the physical qualities believed to underpi... Read More about The use of physical characteristics to explain variation in ball-carrying capability in elite rugby union: a narrative review..

Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players. (2023)
Journal Article
LEE, J., BRIDGE, J.E., CLARK, D.R., STEWART, C.E. and ERSKINE, R.M. 2023. Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players. Frontiers in physiology [online], 14, article number 1089971. Available from:

We investigated the effect of collagen hydrolysate supplementation on changes in patellar tendon (PT) properties after 10 weeks' training in female soccer players from a Football Association Women's Super League Under 21s squad. We pair-matched n = 1... Read More about Collagen supplementation augments changes in patellar tendon properties in female soccer players..

Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players. (2023)
Journal Article
MCQUILLIAM, S.J., CLARK, D.R., ERSKINE, R.M. and BROWNLEE, T.E. 2023. Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players. Journal of strength and conditioning research [online], 37(6), pages 1250-1258. Available from:

The aims of this study were to investigate the impact of high-intensity, low-volume (HRT) vs. moderate-intensity, high-volume resistance training (MRT) vs. soccer training only (CON) on changes in strength, power, and speed, and to compare delayed on... Read More about Effect of high-intensity vs. moderate-intensity resistance training on strength, power, and muscle soreness in male academy soccer players..