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The communication consequences of downsizing trust, loyalty and commitment. (2003)
Book Chapter
TOURISH, D. and HARGIE, O., 2004. The communication consequences of downsizing trust, loyalty and commitment. In Tourish, D. and Hargie, O. (eds.) Key issues in organizational communication. London: Routledge [online], chapter 2, pages 17-36. Available from:

Researchers have increasingly argued that much of mainstream management practice is characterized by the enthusiastic adoption of fads (for example, Shapiro, 1995; Jackson, 2001). Managers embark on radical programmes of restructuring that throw thei... Read More about The communication consequences of downsizing trust, loyalty and commitment..

The crisis of management and the role of organizational communication. (2003)
Book Chapter
TOURISH, D. and HARGIE, O. 2004. The crisis of management and the role of organizational communication. In Tourish, D. and Hargie, O. (eds.) Key issues in organizational communication. London: Routledge [online], chapter 1, pages 1-16. Available from:

What does the future hold for the theory and practice of management? What role, if any, is there for organisational communication in these deliberations? Exactly which aspects of communication contribute centrally to the core of corporate practice? T... Read More about The crisis of management and the role of organizational communication..

Trade associations, change and the new activism. (2003)
Book Chapter
GREENWOOD, J. 2003. Trade associations, change and the new activism. In John, S. and Thomson, S. (eds.). New activism and the corporate response. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan [online], pages 49-65. Available from:

There is a breakdown of trust and a corresponding rise in corrosive cynicism in both corporate activity and in mainstream politics. Trust is the cement in the relationship between institutions and civil society. When trust breaks down, civil society... Read More about Trade associations, change and the new activism..