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All Outputs (13)

Sovereign debt restructuring: the potential role of China in the Belt and Road Initiative in the post COVID-19 era. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
MAK, C.H.W. 2022. Sovereign debt restructuring: the potential role of China in the Belt and Road Initiative in the post COVID-19 era. China, law and development research briefs [online], 2022(9). Available from:

Sovereign bonds have become a major asset category in recent decades. Due to the fallout of the 2007-2009 financial crisis and the accompanying sovereign debt crisis, the interconnected nature of sovereign debt management, financial stability and sys... Read More about Sovereign debt restructuring: the potential role of China in the Belt and Road Initiative in the post COVID-19 era..

Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. [Briefing Paper] (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
DOUGLAS, F., MACIVER, E., DAVIS, T. and LITTLEJOHN, C. 2022. Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. Study briefing paper.

All Local Child Poverty Action Plans require midwives, health visitors and family nurses to identify families with children under five at risk of financial hardship, and to refer them for help to increase their household incomes. This strategy (the s... Read More about Midwives', health visitors', family nurse practitioners' and women's experiences of the NHS Grampian's Financial Inclusion Pathway in practice: a qualitative investigation of early implementation and impact. [Briefing Paper].

Comparative effect size distributions in strength and conditioning and implications for future research: a meta-analysis. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
SWINTON, P.A. and MURPHY, A. 2022. Comparative effect size distributions in strength and conditioning and implications for future research: a meta-analysis. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

Controlled experimental designs are frequently used in strength and conditioning (S&C) to determine which interventions are most effective. The purpose of this large meta-analysis was to quantify the distribution of comparative effect sizes in S&C to... Read More about Comparative effect size distributions in strength and conditioning and implications for future research: a meta-analysis..

A holistic power systems asset engineering and decision management framework for railway asset managers. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
BRUINERS, J., NJUGUNA, J. and AGARWAL, A. 2022. A holistic power systems asset engineering and decision management framework for railway asset managers. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Defining, designing and implementing an asset management system capable of effectively managing assets throughout their life in terms of engineering, financial, digital and stakeholder needs is challenging. Furthermore, governance frameworks of the p... Read More about A holistic power systems asset engineering and decision management framework for railway asset managers..

Briefing: improving children and young people's mental health services: local data insights from England, Scotland and Wales. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
GRIMM, F., ALCOCK, B., BUTLER, J.E., FERNANDEZ CRESPO, R., DAVIES, A., PEYTRIGNET, S., PIRODDI, R., THORLBY, R. and TALLACK, C. 2022. Briefing: improving children and young people's mental health services: local data insights from England, Scotland and Wales. London: The Health Foundation [online]. Available from:

In this briefing, we present analysis from the Networked Data Lab (NDL). Led by the Health Foundation, the NDL is a collaborative network of local analytical teams across England, Scotland and Wales. These teams analysed local, linked data sources to... Read More about Briefing: improving children and young people's mental health services: local data insights from England, Scotland and Wales..

A general framework for partial to full image registration. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
MORENO-GARCÍA, C.F. and SERRATOSA, F. 2022. A general framework for partial to full image registration. arXiv [online]. Available from:

Image registration is a research field in which images must be compared and aligned independently of the point of view or camera characteristics. In some applications (such as forensic biometrics, satellite photography or outdoor scene identification... Read More about A general framework for partial to full image registration..

The effectiveness of multifactorial and multicomponent interventions for the prevention of falls for adults in hospital settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
PAVLOVA, A.V., SWINTON, P.A., GREIG, L., ALEXANDER, L. and COOPER, K. 2022. The effectiveness of multifactorial and multicomponent interventions for the prevention of falls for adults in hospital settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. MedRxiv [online]. Available from:

The objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the effectiveness of multicomponent and multifactorial interventions for reducing falls in adult in-patients. Falls are the most common cause of accidental injury in hospitals... Read More about The effectiveness of multifactorial and multicomponent interventions for the prevention of falls for adults in hospital settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis..

Clinical dialogue transcription error correction using Seq2Seq models. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
NANAYAKKARA, G., WIRATUNGA, N., CORSAR, D., MARTIN, K. and WIJEKOON, A. 2022. Clinical dialogue transcription error correction using Seq2Seq models. arXiv [online]. Available from:

Good communication is critical to good healthcare. Clinical dialogue is a conversation between health practitioners and their patients, with the explicit goal of obtaining and sharing medical information. This information contributes to medical decis... Read More about Clinical dialogue transcription error correction using Seq2Seq models..

Which treatment classes and combinations are more effective for the management of common tendinopathies? A systematic review and network meta-analysis. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
SWINTON, P.A., SHIM, J., PAVLOVA, A.V., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., TZORTZIOU BROWN, V., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L. and COOPER, K. 2022. Which treatment classes and combinations are more effective for the management of common tendinopathies? A systematic review and network meta-analysis. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

The aim of this research was to quantify the comparative effectiveness of treatment classes used for the management of the most common tendinopathies. The project studied network meta-analyses comparing combinations of exercise, non-exercise, and non... Read More about Which treatment classes and combinations are more effective for the management of common tendinopathies? A systematic review and network meta-analysis..

The effect of dose components on resistance exercise therapies for tendinopathy management: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
PAVLOVA, A.V., SHIM, J., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2022. The effect of dose components on resistance exercise therapies for tendinopathy management: a systematic review and meta-analysis. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

The purpose of this study was to investigate potential moderating effects of resistance exercise dose components including intensity, volume and frequency, for the management of common tendinopathies. The research was undertaken through a systematic... Read More about The effect of dose components on resistance exercise therapies for tendinopathy management: a systematic review and meta-analysis..

Using public funding to attract private investment in renewable energy in Indonesia. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
HENDRIWARDANI, M., GEDDES, A., SUMARNO, T.B. and HOHENBERGER, L. 2022. Using public funding to attract private investment in renewable energy in Indonesia. Achieving a fossil-free recovery in Indonesia, Brief 3. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) [online]. Available from:

Indonesia faces a very important year ahead in terms of economic recovery and energy transition. In economic terms, despite regaining a positive GDP growth in 2021, Indonesia's budget deficit is still very high compared to pre-COVID-19. In terms of t... Read More about Using public funding to attract private investment in renewable energy in Indonesia..

Are patients satisfied? A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
SHIM, J., PAVLOVA, A.V., MOSS, R.A., MACLEAN, C., BRANDIE, D., MITCHELL, L., GREIG, L., PARKINSON, E., TZORTZIOU BROWN, V., MORRISSEY, D., ALEXANDER, L., COOPER, K. and SWINTON, P.A. 2022. Are patients satisfied? A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy. SportRxiv [online]. Available from:

Outcomes measuring patient rating of overall condition, including patient satisfaction, are associated with improved general health and higher quality of life. However, this outcome domain is under-explored in the management of tendinopathy. The purp... Read More about Are patients satisfied? A systematic review and meta-analysis of patient ratings in exercise therapy for the management of tendinopathy..

A black hole-aided deep-helix channel model for DNA. [Preprint] (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
SARKER, M.A.L., KADER, M.F., SARKER, M.M.K., LEE, M.H. and HAN, D.S. 2022. A black hole-aided deep-helix channel model for DNA. Research square [online], 10 January 2022, Preprint (version 3). Available from:

In this article, we present a black-hole-aided deep-helix (bh-dh) channel model to enhance information bound and mitigate a multiple-helix directional issue in Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) communications. The recent observations of DNA do not match wi... Read More about A black hole-aided deep-helix channel model for DNA. [Preprint].