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Flexibility, robustness and real options. (2007)
Book Chapter
DYSON, R.G. and OLIVEIRA, F.S. 2007. Flexibility, robustness and real options. In Dyson, R.G. and O'Brien, F.A. (eds.) Supporting strategy: frameworks, methods and models. Chichester, Wiley, chapter 13, pages 343-366.

The importance of flexibility in the strategic development process goes back to the formative days of strategic planning. One of its earliest manifestations was in the guise of contingency planning. For example, Argenti (1974) in his book "Systematic... Read More about Flexibility, robustness and real options..

The impact of organisational complexity in the strategy development process. (2007)
Book Chapter
CALDART, A.A. and OLIVEIRA, F.S. 2007. The impact of organisational complexity in the strategy development process. In Dyson, R.G. and O'Brien, F.A. (eds.) Supporting strategy: frameworks, methods and models. Chichester, Wiley, chapter 8, pages 191-210.

In the first chapter of this book, it was stated that there is a set of characteristics that lead towards a decision being labelled as a strategic one. One of these characteristics is the complexity and inter-relatedness of the organisational context... Read More about The impact of organisational complexity in the strategy development process..

Culture, change and individual differences in the Scottish episcopal church. (2007)
BROWN, M.L. 2007. Culture, change and individual differences in the Scottish episcopal church. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

There is continuing interest in religion and spirituality in Britain, although membership of mainstream churches is declining. Perceived secularisation of contemporary British society, together with increasing competition from New Age movements, is c... Read More about Culture, change and individual differences in the Scottish episcopal church..

Concept induction via fuzzy C-means clustering in a high dimensional semantic space. (2007)
Book Chapter
SONG, D., CAO, G., BRUZA, P.D. and LAU, R.Y.K. 2007. Concept induction via fuzzy C-means clustering in a high dimensional semantic space. In Valente de Oliveira, J. and Pedrycz, W. (eds.) Advances in fuzzy clustering and its applications. Chichester: Wiley [online], chapter 19, pages 393-403. Available from:

Lexical semantic space models have recently been investigated to automatically derive the meaning (semantics) of information based on natural language usage. In a semantic space, a term can be considered as a concept represented geometrically as a ve... Read More about Concept induction via fuzzy C-means clustering in a high dimensional semantic space..

Detection, analysis, and photocatalytic destruction of the freshwater taint compound geosmin. (2007)
BELLU, E. 2007. Detection, analysis, and photocatalytic destruction of the freshwater taint compound geosmin. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

A significant issue affecting the aquaculture and water industries is the presence of off-flavour compounds in water, which cause problems by imparting an undesirable earthy/musty flavour and smell to water and fish. Two predominant off-flavour compo... Read More about Detection, analysis, and photocatalytic destruction of the freshwater taint compound geosmin..

Competitive and cooperative impulses to internationalization: reflecting on the interplay between management intentions and the experience of academics in a British university. (2007)
Journal Article
TURNER, Y. and ROBSON, S. 2007. Competitive and cooperative impulses to internationalization: reflecting on the interplay between management intentions and the experience of academics in a British university. Education, knowledge and economy [online], 1(1), pages 65-82. Available from:

This paper explores some of the practical tensions associated with higher education internationalization through the introduction of an institutional case study. The case highlights the interplay between policy-makers and academics around the emergen... Read More about Competitive and cooperative impulses to internationalization: reflecting on the interplay between management intentions and the experience of academics in a British university..

Creep and the in vivo assessment of human patellar tendon mechanical properties. (2007)
Journal Article
PEARSON, S.J., BURGESS, K. and ONAMBELE, G.N.L. 2007. Creep and the in vivo assessment of human patellar tendon mechanical properties. Clinical biomechanics [online], 22(6), pages 712-717. Available from:

Owing to the viscoelastic nature of tendons it may be that the total excursion and hence strain experienced by the tendon under load may be affected by the duration of contraction. Here we examine the effect of contraction duration on the measured in... Read More about Creep and the in vivo assessment of human patellar tendon mechanical properties..

Wind turbine maintenance optimisation: principles of quantitative maintenance optimisation. (2007)
Journal Article
ANDRAWUS, J.A., WATSON, J. and KISHK, M. 2007. Wind turbine maintenance optimisation: principles of quantitative maintenance optimisation. Wind engineering [online], 31(2), pages 101-110. Available from:

Maintenance optimisation is a crucial issue for industries that utilise physical assets due to its impact on costs, risks and performance. Current quantitative maintenance optimisation techniques include Modelling System Failures MSF (using monte-car... Read More about Wind turbine maintenance optimisation: principles of quantitative maintenance optimisation..

Aesthetics and ethics of working in public art: a summary. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, A. 2007. Aesthetics and ethics of working in public art: a summary. In Proceedings of the 1st Working in public seminar: aesthetics and ethics of working in public, 27-28 March 2007, Aberdeen, UK [online]. Available from:

The hunch behind Working in Public is that art now exists in the public sphere in unprecedented ways. Working in Public aims therefore to open up greater uncertainty in what we think art is and to provoke more thoughtful and creative responses to wha... Read More about Aesthetics and ethics of working in public art: a summary..

Proceedings of the 1st Working in public seminar: aesthetics and ethics of working in public. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ON THE EDGE RESEARCH. 2007. Proceedings of the 1st Working in public seminar: aesthetics and ethics of working in public, 27-28 March 2007, Aberdeen, UK [online]. Available from:

The seminar drew discussion through a range of questions: How we might determine what is art and what is not art? When and where is it appropriate for the artist to speak for others? When art is camouflaged in every day activity, how might we underst... Read More about Proceedings of the 1st Working in public seminar: aesthetics and ethics of working in public..

Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MARCELLA, R., ILLINGWORTH, L. and BAXTER, G. 2007. Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. Presented at the workshop 'This motley crew': managing creatives and the creative unit, 21 March 2007, Dundee, UK.

This paper presented the key results of two research projects, funded by the European Social Fund, which explored the gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries. The first project, 'Women in the Scottish Me... Read More about Gender policies and flexible working opportunities in the Scottish creative industries..

Organized civil society and democratic legitimacy in the European Union. (2007)
Journal Article
GREENWOOD, J. 2007. Organized civil society and democratic legitimacy in the European Union. British journal of political science [online], 37(2), pages 333-357. Available from:

Structural limitations in models of representative democracy have enhanced the space for other mechanisms of legitimacy in the European Union, including participatory models in which organized civil society interests are significant players. To some... Read More about Organized civil society and democratic legitimacy in the European Union..

Research papers: leading through practice. (2007)
Journal Article
DOUGLAS, A. and FREMANTLE, C. (eds.) 2007. Research papers: leading through practice. a-n magazine [online], 2007(3), supplement. Available from:

Artist as Leader is a programme that aims to understand the ways artists lead through their practice with a view to informing and developing a critical understanding of the role of creativity in culture. There are two complimentary parts to the Artis... Read More about Research papers: leading through practice..

Molecular mechanisms of nutrient mediated regulation of hypoxia inducible factor -1a(HIF-1a) in endothelial cells. (2007)
HECTOR, E.E. 2007. Molecular mechanisms of nutrient mediated regulation of hypoxia inducible factor -1a(HIF-1a) in endothelial cells. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Poorly-controlled diabetes mellitus is associated with the development of chronic vascular complications, which cause morbidity and premature mortality. Many studies have highlighted that maintenance of normal blood glucose levels in all people with... Read More about Molecular mechanisms of nutrient mediated regulation of hypoxia inducible factor -1a(HIF-1a) in endothelial cells..

BHB database prices not excessive, says court of appeal. (2007)
Journal Article
LAUTERBACH, T. 2007. BHB database prices not excessive, says court of appeal. Scottish law gazette, 75(1), pages 20-21.

Having lost out to Attheraces Ltd ("ATR") at first instance, the British Horseracing Board ("BHB") has recently been successful before the Court of Appeal in an argument as to how to exploit its racing database. While agreeing with the finding of dom... Read More about BHB database prices not excessive, says court of appeal..

Composite inorganic membranes for hydrogen reaction, separation and purification. (2007)
EL-ZAROUK, K.M.2007. Composite inorganic membranes for hydrogen reaction, separation and purification. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Silica-alumina composite membranes for hydrogen separation and high temperature chemical reactions were prepared using both conventional and modified dip-coating techniques. These were deposited on commercially available a.-alumina macroporous suppor... Read More about Composite inorganic membranes for hydrogen reaction, separation and purification..

The ethics of policy research. (2007)
Journal Article
SPICKER, P. 2007. The ethics of policy research. Evidence and policy: a journal of research, debate and practice [online], 3(1), pages 99-118. Available from:

Codes of ethics governing research in social science have tended to focus on the rights of participants in research. This focus is too narrow to be an effective guide for ethical policy research. Some typical problems concern the development of organ... Read More about The ethics of policy research..

Timber frame construction in North East Scotland: a century of precedent 1830s - 1930s. (2007)
BRUCE, I.S. 2007. Timber frame construction in North East Scotland: a century of precedent 1830s - 1930s. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

This study was prompted by a natural inquisitiveness about the concentration of timber buildings in both Braemar on Deeside and Fochabers on Speyside, and the assumed association with the history of timber extraction in the respective river systems.... Read More about Timber frame construction in North East Scotland: a century of precedent 1830s - 1930s..

Teaching is a co-learning experience: academics reflecting on learning and teaching in an 'internationalized' faculty. (2007)
Journal Article
ROBSON, S. and TURNER, Y. 2007. Teaching is a co-learning experience: academics reflecting on learning and teaching in an 'internationalized' faculty. Teaching in higher education [online], 12(1), pages 41-54. Available from:

This paper reports on a study that took place in a faculty of humanities and social sciences at a UK university. The institution had recently undergone a radical restructure and the vision for the future presented by the new senior management team hi... Read More about Teaching is a co-learning experience: academics reflecting on learning and teaching in an 'internationalized' faculty..

The idea of poverty. (2007)
SPICKER, P. 2007. The idea of poverty. Bristol: Policy Press [online]. Available from:

This book examines views about what poverty is and what should be done about it. 'Poverty' means many different things to different people - for example, material deprivation, lack of money, dependency on benefits, social exclusion or inequality. In... Read More about The idea of poverty..