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All Outputs (16)

Challenges in increasing women's participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries: a qualitative approach based on the three tenets of justice. (2024)
Journal Article
SUMARNO, T.B., YASGIANTORO, I.B., FITRIYANTI, V. and KHUSNA, V.A. 2024. Challenges in increasing women's participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries: a qualitative approach based on the three tenets of justice. Energy policy [online], 191, article number 114163. Available from:

Ensuring an inclusive and just transition towards a low-carbon economy has become increasingly important. This paper emphasises the challenges in increasing the extent of women's participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries. In th... Read More about Challenges in increasing women's participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries: a qualitative approach based on the three tenets of justice..

Just transition in biofuel development towards low-carbon economy: multi-actor perspectives on policies and practices in Indonesia. (2023)
Journal Article
DJATMIKA, P., LISTININGRUM, P., SUMARNO, T.B., MAHIRA, D.F. and SIANIPAR, C.P.M. 2024. Just transition in biofuel development towards low-carbon economy: multi-actor perspectives on policies and practices in Indonesia. Energies [online], 17(1), article 141. Available from:

Justice and sustainability are the foundation of fair and equitable biofuel development. Policies and practices are consequently necessary to support a just transition towards a low-carbon economy. Therefore, this study aimed to understand multi-acto... Read More about Just transition in biofuel development towards low-carbon economy: multi-actor perspectives on policies and practices in Indonesia..

The importance of women participation in ensuring justice in energy transition in ASEAN and G7. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SUMARNO, T., FITRIYANTI, V., KHUSNA, V. and YUSGIANTORO, I. 2023. The importance of women participation in ensuring justice in energy transition in ASEAN and G7. In Moffett, S. (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th International conference on gender research (ICGR 2023), 20-21 April 2023, Ulster, UK. International conference on gender research: conference proceedings, 6(1). Reading: Academic Conferences International [online], pages 232-240. Available from:

Many countries have increased their climate ambitions, including net-zero by 2060. Gender equality is essential for just energy transition (JET). United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 5 and 7 promote both gender equality and access to su... Read More about The importance of women participation in ensuring justice in energy transition in ASEAN and G7..

Accelerating RE deployment in ASEAN: gender mainstreaming efforts. (2022)
SUMARNO, T.B. and BILQIS, A. 2022. Accelerating RE deployment in ASEAN: gender mainstreaming efforts. ASEAN Centre for Energy policy briefs, 2022 no.12. Jakarta: ASEAN Centre for Energy [online]. Available from:

Six key strategies to accelerate Renewable Energy (RE) deployment in ASEAN related to gender are (1) inclusion of gender aspects on the upcoming ASEAN RE Long-Term Roadmap, (2) initiating discussion among ASEAN Member States, ASEAN Secretariat and AS... Read More about Accelerating RE deployment in ASEAN: gender mainstreaming efforts..

ASEAN RE-gender roadmap: roadmap on accelerating ASEAN renewable energy deployment through gender-responsive energy policy. (2022)
ASEAN CENTRE FOR ENERGY. 2022. ASEAN RE-gender roadmap: roadmap on accelerating ASEAN renewable energy deployment through gender-responsive energy policy. Jakarta: ASEAN Centre for Energy [online]. Available from:

The role of the energy-gender nexus in accelerating renewable energy deployment in ASEAN remains underexplored. Current gender disparities severely impede the enhancement of women's roles and opportunities in the renewable energy sector, and hinder w... Read More about ASEAN RE-gender roadmap: roadmap on accelerating ASEAN renewable energy deployment through gender-responsive energy policy..

Exploring Indonesia's energy policy failures through the JUST framework. (2022)
Journal Article
SUMARNO, T.B., SIHOTANG, P. and PRAWIRAATMADJA, W. 2022. Exploring Indonesia's energy policy failures through the JUST framework. Energy policy [online], 164, article 112914. Available from:

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided momentum for the global energy transition and countries, including Indonesia, should take this opportunity to accelerate this process. This paper reviews Indonesian energy subsidy policy failures using the JUST Fram... Read More about Exploring Indonesia's energy policy failures through the JUST framework..

Using public funding to attract private investment in renewable energy in Indonesia. (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
HENDRIWARDANI, M., GEDDES, A., SUMARNO, T.B. and HOHENBERGER, L. 2022. Using public funding to attract private investment in renewable energy in Indonesia. Achieving a fossil-free recovery in Indonesia, Brief 3. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) [online]. Available from:

Indonesia faces a very important year ahead in terms of economic recovery and energy transition. In economic terms, despite regaining a positive GDP growth in 2021, Indonesia's budget deficit is still very high compared to pre-COVID-19. In terms of t... Read More about Using public funding to attract private investment in renewable energy in Indonesia..

How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma: assessing Indonesia's electricity market transition. (2021)
Journal Article
HEFFRON, R.J., KÖRNER, M.-F., SUMARNO, T., WAGNER, J., WEIBELZAHL, M. and FRIDGEN, G. 2022. How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma: assessing Indonesia's electricity market transition. Energy economics [online], 107, article 105663. Available from:

Indonesia's current energy policy, which relies on cheap fossil fuels and focuses on two out of the three horns of the energy trilemma, namely, energy security and energy equity, may impede its efforts to higher shares of renewable energy sources. Th... Read More about How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma: assessing Indonesia's electricity market transition..

Just energy transitions and coal bed methane: the case of Indonesia. (2021)
SUMARNO, T.B. 2021. Just energy transitions and coal bed methane: the case of Indonesia. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan [online]. Available from:

This book discusses how Coal Bed Methane (CBM) could help the acceleration of the energy transition in a ‘just’ way in Indonesia, due to the country's potential CBM reserves (and current dependence on climate damaging coal). Developing countries face... Read More about Just energy transitions and coal bed methane: the case of Indonesia..

How Indonesia can achieve both a COVID-19 recovery and its climate targets. (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
SUMARNO, T.B. and SANCHEZ, L. 2021. How Indonesia can achieve both a COVID-19 recovery and its climate targets. Achieving a fossil-free recovery in Indonesia, Brief 1. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) [online]. Available from:

In May 2021, the International Energy Agency (IEA) (2021) released its flagship report on how to reach net-zero by 2050, concluding that fossil fuel consumption should have peaked by 2020 and start declining as of 2030. It also shows that meeting the... Read More about How Indonesia can achieve both a COVID-19 recovery and its climate targets..

Financing green recovery from fossil fuel taxation and subsidy reform. (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
SUMARNO, T.B. and SANCHEZ, L. 2021. Financing green recovery from fossil fuel taxation and subsidy reform. Achieving a fossil-free recovery in Indonesia, Brief 2. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) [online]. Available from:

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Indonesia's fiscal position. Government debt, normally capped at 3% of GDP, is likely to approach 5% in 2022 due to suppressed revenues, high health costs and stimulus spending (Suroyo & Diela, 20... Read More about Financing green recovery from fossil fuel taxation and subsidy reform..

Taxing coal to hit the goals: a simple way for Indonesia to reduce carbon emissions. (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
SUMARNO, T.B. and LAAN, T. 2021. Taxing coal to hit the goals: a simple way for Indonesia to reduce carbon emissions. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) [online]. Available from:

The Government of Indonesia has pledged to reduce absolute carbon emissions by between 29% and 41% by 2030 compared to "business as usual" (Republic of Indonesia, 2021). To help achieve this, the government is considering options for carbon pricing,... Read More about Taxing coal to hit the goals: a simple way for Indonesia to reduce carbon emissions..

Mapping India's energy subsidies 2021: time for renewed support to clean energy. (2021)
VISWANATHAN, B., VISWAMOHANAN, A., AGGARWAL, P., NARAYANASWAMY, D., GEDDES, A., SUMARNO, T.B., SCHMIDT, M., BEATON, C., GOEL, S., DUTT, A. and GANESAN, K. 2021. Mapping India's energy subsidies 2021: time for renewed support to clean energy. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) [online]. Available from:

Government support is more important than ever for the energy transition in the wake of COVID-19, as governments around the world take unprecedented measures to help stimulate economic recovery. Shifting government support from fossil to clean energy... Read More about Mapping India's energy subsidies 2021: time for renewed support to clean energy..

Justice in solar energy development. (2021)
Journal Article
HEFFRON, R., HALBRÜGGE, S., KÖRNER, M.-F., OBENG-DARKO, N.A., SUMARNO, T., WAGNER, J. and WEIBELZAHL, M. 2021. Justice in solar energy development. Solar energy [online], 218, pages 68-75. Available from:

To achieve national energy and climate targets across the world, there is a key focus on solar energy development. It is clear from literature that many countries have enormous, under-utilised potentials for solar energy, which can significantly chan... Read More about Justice in solar energy development..

Accelerating the economic recovery in Indonesia post Covid-19: justice in the energy transition. (2020)
Journal Article
SUMARNO, T.B., BACHTIAR, A. and JATI, A.N. 2020. Accelerating the economic recovery in Indonesia post Covid-19: justice in the energy transition. Global energy law and sustainability [online], 1(2), pages 140-148. Available from:

Indonesia is known as the largest economy in South East Asia and as one of the emerging lower-middle-income countries. Before the pandemic Covid-19, Indonesia forecasted its GDP growth to increase to 5.5% in 2020. However, this never happened followi... Read More about Accelerating the economic recovery in Indonesia post Covid-19: justice in the energy transition..

Coal bed methane development in Indonesia: the economics of the stakeholders' perspective. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SUMARNO, T.B., BERGMANN, A., DOW, S. and HEFFRON, R.J. 2019. Coal bed methane development in Indonesia: the economics of the stakeholders' perspective. In Proceedings of the 42nd International Association for Energy Economics international conference 2022 (IAEE 2019): local energy, global market, Montreal, Canada. Cleveland: IAEE [online]. Available from:

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) initiated a study on Coal Bed Methane (CBM) resources in 2002 through its oil and gas research institution called Lemigas. This contributed to the first CBM project starting in 2008 by PT Medco CBM Sekayu, in South S... Read More about Coal bed methane development in Indonesia: the economics of the stakeholders' perspective..