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All Outputs (4)

Numerical prediction of the effect of thermal plume of a standing human on the airborne aerosol flow in a room: assessment of the social distancing rule. (2022)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M., CHINENYE-KANU, N., FAISAL, N.H., PRATHURU, A., ASIM, T. and BANIK, S. 2023. Numerical prediction of the effect of thermal plume of a standing human on the airborne aerosol flow in a room: assessment of the social distancing rule. Aerosol science and engineering [online], 7(1), pages 96-106. Available from:

The purpose of the study is to investigate the dispersion of droplet nuclei/aerosol which are produced during coughing and continuous talking to quantify the risk of infection due to airborne disease transmission. A three-dimensional modelling of aer... Read More about Numerical prediction of the effect of thermal plume of a standing human on the airborne aerosol flow in a room: assessment of the social distancing rule..

Investigation of the effects of pipe diameter of internal multiphase flow on pipe elbow vibration and resonance. [Dataset] (2022)
ASIEGBU, N.M., HOSSAIN, M., DROUBI, G.M. and ISLAM, S.Z. 2023. Investigation of the effects of pipe diameter of internal multiphase flow on pipe elbow vibration and resonance. [Dataset]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part E: journal of process mechanical engineering [online], 237(4), pages 1319-1330. Available from:

This output contains supplementary material of tables and figures to accompany the main article of 'Investigation of the effects of pipe diameter of internal multiphase flow on pipe elbow vibration and resonance' by Nkemjika Mirian Asiegbu, Mamdud Ho... Read More about Investigation of the effects of pipe diameter of internal multiphase flow on pipe elbow vibration and resonance. [Dataset].

Investigation of the effects of pipe diameter of internal multiphase flow on pipe elbow vibration and resonance. (2022)
Journal Article
ASIEGBU, N.M., HOSSAIN, M., DROUBI, G.M. and ISLAM, S.Z. 2023. Investigation of the effects of pipe diameter of internal multiphase flow on pipe elbow vibration and resonance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part E: journal of process mechanical engineering [online], 237(4), pages 1319-1330. Available from:

Computational fluid dynamics modelling of internal two-phase flow induced transient forces at 90° elbows have been carried out to evaluate the effect of pipe diameter on the characteristics of multiphase flow induced vibration. Simulations of two-pha... Read More about Investigation of the effects of pipe diameter of internal multiphase flow on pipe elbow vibration and resonance..

CFD modelling of flow-induced vibration under multiphase flow regimes. (2020)
ASIEGBU, N.M. 2020. CFD modelling of flow-induced vibration under multiphase flow regimes. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

Internal multiphase flow-induced vibration (MFIV) in pipe bends poses serious problems in oil and gas, nuclear and chemical flow systems. The problems include: high amplitude displacement of the pipe structure due to resonance; fatigue failure due to... Read More about CFD modelling of flow-induced vibration under multiphase flow regimes..