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Professor Nick Fyfe's Outputs (2)

Experiencing organizational change during an era of reform: Police Scotland, narratives of localism, and perceptions from the ‘frontline’. (2018)
Journal Article
FYFE, N.R., ANDERSON, S., BLAND, N., GOULDING, A., MITCHELL, J. and REID, S. 2021. Experiencing organizational change during an era of reform: Police Scotland, narratives of localism, and perceptions from the 'frontline'. Policing [online], 15(1), pages 263-276. Available from:

In 2011, the Scottish Government took the decision to create a single, national police force, reconfiguring a structure of regional police forces, which had prevailed since the 19th century. Despite a strong narrative around localism in the legislati... Read More about Experiencing organizational change during an era of reform: Police Scotland, narratives of localism, and perceptions from the ‘frontline’..

Police reform, research and the uses of 'expert knowledge'. (2018)
Journal Article
FYFE, N.R. and RICHARSON, N. 2018. Police reform, research and the uses of 'expert knowledge'. European journal of policing studies [online], 5(3): police-academic partnerships: working with the police in policing, pages 147-162. Available from:

This paper examines the interplay between research and police reform. Focussing on the creation of Scotland’s national police force in 2013 it examines the role of research as ‘expert knowledge’ in the political and policy debate leading up to the re... Read More about Police reform, research and the uses of 'expert knowledge'..