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Professor Gary Spolander's Outputs (27)

Reflections and challenges of international social work research. (2016)
Journal Article
SPOLANDER, G., TEIXEIRA GARCIA, M.L. and PENALVA, C. 2016. Reflections and challenges of international social work research. Critical and radical social work [online], 4(2), pages 169-183. Available from:

This article seeks to critically reflect on the experience and challenges of international social work research within a 10-country consortium of social work researchers examining the impact of neoliberalism on civil society and social work, under th... Read More about Reflections and challenges of international social work research..

Journal Article
PERVOVA, I., KELASYEV, V., ORNELLAS, A., SPOLANDER, G. and ENGELBRECHT, L. 2016. ГЛОБАЛЬНОЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ, ЕГО ОНТОЛОГИЯ, ЗНАЧЕНИЕ И ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ. Zhurnal sotsiologii i sotsialnoy antropologii (The journal of sociology and social anthropology) [online], XIX(1), pages 149-165. Available from:

In the article on the basis of the new global definition of social work it is proposed that there be a redefining of the Institute of Social Work functions, the reorientation of the profession towards social development, social justice and achieving... Read More about ГЛОБАЛЬНОЕ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ, ЕГО ОНТОЛОГИЯ, ЗНАЧЕНИЕ И ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ.

Social work and macro-economic neoliberalism: beyond the social justice rhetoric. (2015)
Journal Article
SPOLANDER, G., ENGELBRECHT, L. and PULLEN-SANSFAÇON, A. 2016. Social work and macro-economic neoliberalism: beyond the social justice rhetoric. European journal of social work [online], 19(5), pages 634-649. Available from:

Macro-economic policy shapes and structures social welfare policy, services, and their implementation. As a result, the commoditisation of social welfare services and the use of markets as well as private sector management philosophies and tools have... Read More about Social work and macro-economic neoliberalism: beyond the social justice rhetoric..

Inclusive leadership in social work and social care. (2014)
HAFFORD-LETCHFIELD, T., LAMBLEY, S., SPOLANDER, G. and COCKER, C. 2014. Inclusive leadership in social work and social care. Bristol: Policy Press [online]. Available from:

Social work and social care continue to face an unprecedented period of challenge and uncertainty, requiring the development of leadership capabilities at every level of the workforce as well as in the community. This critical and reflexive book look... Read More about Inclusive leadership in social work and social care..

The evolution of student identity: a case of caveat emptor. (2012)
Journal Article
MARTIN, L., SPOLANDER, G., ALI, I. and MAAS, B. 2014. The evolution of student identity: a case of caveat emptor. Journal of further and higher education [online], 38(2), pages 200-210. Available from:

Engaging students has been seen as the key to promoting their achievement in higher education institutions. However, there is an important stage prior to this: the development of a positive student identity which influences students’ motivation to en... Read More about The evolution of student identity: a case of caveat emptor..

Successful project management in social work and social care: managing resources, assessing risks and measuring outcomes. (2012)
SPOLANDER, G. and MARTIN, L. 2012. Successful project management in social work and social care: managing resources, assessing risks and measuring outcomes. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Managers in social work and social care contexts are required to manage a wide range of projects: long-term and short-term, on large and small scales, in partnership with other agencies, and covering a broad range of issues and contexts. Management o... Read More about Successful project management in social work and social care: managing resources, assessing risks and measuring outcomes..

Social work education in Canada, England and South Africa: a critical comparison of undergraduate programmes. (2011)
Journal Article
SPOLANDER, G., PULLEN-SANSFACON, A., BROWN, M. and ENGELBRECHT, L. 2011. Social work education in Canada, England and South Africa: a critical comparison of undergraduate programmes. International social work [online], 54(6), pages 816-831. Available from:

Globalized labour mobility has led to questions regarding the degree to which social work education in one country can be applicable to practice in another. This paper examines social work education programmes and practice contexts in South Africa, E... Read More about Social work education in Canada, England and South Africa: a critical comparison of undergraduate programmes..