Dr Vasil Atanasov
Biography | Qualified barrister (n/p) and certified construction project manager with over twenty years of experience in the construction, higher education and legal sectors, particularly construction project management, legal advice and the preparation of time and cost expert reports for adjudication, arbitration and other construction-related dispute resolution forums. Since 2015, teaching and researching several subjects, including construction law, contract administration and resolution of disputes. Professional background includes delivery of professional training courses to highly qualified and experienced commercial professionals internationally on, among others, forensic delay analysis and standard forms of construction and engineering contract, specifically preparation of expert reports and specialist advice on a variety of construction projects of various sizes and budgets including some of the largest and most complex infrastructure developments in the world. Currently, teaching and researching several topics including construction law, contract administration, procurement methods and dispute resolution and running a dispute resolution-related consultancy specialising in construction delay, disruption and quantum disputes. Global Experience Work experience includes (i) projects located in Africa, Asia, Europe, South and North America and (ii) participation in international research conferences, namely the World Building Congress CIB, ARCOM and the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB W78). Languages In addition to English, Vasil is fluent in Bulgarian and Spanish and proficient in Macedonian and Russian. |
Research Interests | Construction Law and Contracts Disagreements over Matters of Fact in Construction Delay Disputes Forensic Delay Analysis Transaction Costs Economics Smart Contracts Blockchain Artificial Intelligence Dispute Resolution Modern Methods of Construction Construction Health and Safety Management |
Teaching and Learning | Construction Law and Dispute Resolution |