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Dr Andrey Kotelnikov's Outputs (4)

Economic sanctions arbitrability and public policy. (2020)
Journal Article
KOTELNIKOV, A. 2020. Economic sanctions, arbitrability and public policy. International arbitration law review [online], 23(1), pages 19-39. Available from:

This article, through an overview of international experience, considers the interplay between economic sanctions and international commercial arbitration, in particular, the effect of sanctions on the arbitrability of disputes and the public policy... Read More about Economic sanctions arbitrability and public policy..

Contracts affected by economic sanctions: Russian and international perspectives. (2020)
Journal Article
KOTELNIKOV, A. 2020. Contracts affected by economic sanctions: Russian and international perspectives. Transnational dispute management [online], 17(1), article ID 15. Available from:

Economic sanctions, particularly unilateral ones, are an increasingly popular instrument of foreign policy. Some states have extensive experience in adopting them and in resolving private disputes arising from such measures. For other countries, this... Read More about Contracts affected by economic sanctions: Russian and international perspectives..

The evolution of European policies on investment arbitration. (2019)
Journal Article
KOTELNIKOV, A.G. and VOROPAEV, K.A. 2019. The evolution of European policies on investment arbitration. Herald of the Euro-Asian law congress [online], 2019(1), pages 68-83. Available from:

Over the last two decades, the European Commission radically altered its attitude towards investment arbitration and became its fierce opponent. This article considers the history of this change, attempts to fathom the pragmatic thinking of the Europ... Read More about The evolution of European policies on investment arbitration..

Eleven good years for international commercial arbitration in Russia: the legacy of the Supreme Commercial Court. (2015)
Journal Article
KOTELNIKOV, A. 2015. Eleven good years for international commercial arbitration in Russia: the legacy of the Supreme Commercial Court. Russian law journal [online], 3(3), pages 152-157. Available from:

The aim William R. Spiegelberger sets for himself in the book ‘Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Russia’ is moderate, even humble. It is to provide a foreigner who faces the prospect of enforcing an arbitral award in this country with a gener... Read More about Eleven good years for international commercial arbitration in Russia: the legacy of the Supreme Commercial Court..