Writings between: vulnerability and resistance: the third and final part of a series of correspondences between Caroline Gausden and Jen Clarke on the politics of hosting and hospitality.
Newspaper / Magazine
GAUSDEN, C. and CLARKE, J. 2020. Writings between: vulnerability and resistance: the third and final part of a series of correspondences between Caroline Gausden and Jen Clarke on the politics of hosting and hospitality. Posted on MAP magazine [online], 58(September 2020). Available from: https://mapmagazine.co.uk/writings-between-1
This is the third and final article in the Writings Between series of correspondence between Caroline Gausden and Jen Clarke. These letters cross formal and informal borders, ‘writings between’ us, and things, marking a moment that has forced us to r... Read More about Writings between: vulnerability and resistance: the third and final part of a series of correspondences between Caroline Gausden and Jen Clarke on the politics of hosting and hospitality..