Transformative impact of blockchain technology and smart contracts on dispute resolution: legal challenges and other implications.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CHRISTIE, D., MANTE, J. and MAK, C.H.W. [2024]. Transformative impact of blockchain technology and smart contracts on dispute resolution: legal challenges and other implications. Kuwait International Law School journal [online], (accepted for forthcoming special issue): proceedings of the 10th Kuwait International Law School annual international academic conference (KILAW 2024): artificial intelligence: its applications, academic and practical legal implications, 1-2 May 2024, Kuwait City, Kuwait. To be made available from:
This paper comprehensively analyses the potential of blockchain technology and smart contracts to revolutionise dispute resolution. As dispute resolution methods evolve, blockchain and smart contracts, which offer efficiency, transparency, and fairne... Read More about Transformative impact of blockchain technology and smart contracts on dispute resolution: legal challenges and other implications..