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Biography Dr Gael Morrow is a MRC Career Development Fellow & Chancellor’s Fellow at Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen, United Kingdom). Prior to joining Robert Gordon University, Dr Morrow was a Research Fellow at the University of Oxford for 6 years after obtaining her PhD in Medicine & Therapeutics (Immunohaematology) at the University of Aberdeen in 2018. Dr Morrow’s research interest is in the dysregulation of fibrinolysis in both inherited and acquired bleeding disorders. Dr Morrow was recently awarded a Career Development Award from the UKRI Medical Research Council to unpickthe cellular and molecular mechanisms that result in uncontrolled bleeding following traumatic injury.

Other research in Dr Morrow’s lab is funded by the UK Ministry of Defence to investigate how additives and storage solutions used to prolong the shelf life of blood component therapies alter clot structure and stability. Dr Morrow also holds a Wellbeing of Women Postdoctoral Fellowship to investigate the role of the coagulation system in endometriosis and leads research projects investigating the existence of an extravascular store of coagulation factors in haemophilia patients. Dr Morrow is a Co-Chair of the ISTH Scientific and Standardisation Subcommittee on Fibrinolysis and sits on the committee for the British Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis.
Research Interests Trauma coagulopathy
Extravascular coagulation
Inherited bleeding disorders
Acquired bleeding disorders
Teaching and Learning Supervising undergraduate, masters and PhD students who are completing projects in the Morrow haemostasis lab.