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Professor Claire Hannibal's Outputs (4)

The smiling assassin? Reconceptualising redundancy envoys as quasi-dirty workers. (2021)
Journal Article
STEVENS, M. and HANNIBAL, C. 2023. The smiling assassin? Reconceptualising redundancy envoys as quasi-dirty workers. International journal of human resource management [online], 34(5), pages 879-911. Available from:

Despite redundancies having far-reaching consequences for organisations, relatively limited attention has been paid to the conflicting experiences of those implementing the redundancy process - the redundancy envoys. By drawing on theories of cogniti... Read More about The smiling assassin? Reconceptualising redundancy envoys as quasi-dirty workers..

Guest editorial: learning from the Covid-19 pandemic: planning, controlling and driving change for greater resilience in supply chains. (2021)
Journal Article
BREEN, L. and HANNIBAL, C. 2021. Guest editorial: learning from the Covid-19 pandemic: planning, controlling and driving change for greater resilience in supply chains. Supply chain management [online], 26(6), pages 649-653. Available from:

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the fundamental principles of supply chain management as we research, teach and experience it unfolding. Its impact has been widespread and damaging to all aspects of our lives and the global economy. We have chos... Read More about Guest editorial: learning from the Covid-19 pandemic: planning, controlling and driving change for greater resilience in supply chains..

Artificial intelligence for supply chain resilience: learning from Covid-19. (2021)
Journal Article
MODGIL, S., SINGH, R.K. and HANNIBAL, C. 2022. Artificial intelligence for supply chain resilience: learning from Covid-19. International journal of logistics management [online], 33(4), pages 1246-1268. Available from:

Many supply chains have faced disruption during Covid-19. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one mechanism that can be used to improve supply chain resilience by developing business continuity capabilities. This study examines how firms employ AI and co... Read More about Artificial intelligence for supply chain resilience: learning from Covid-19..

It's in our DNA: perspectives on co-producing services in the UK voluntary sector. (2021)
Journal Article
HANNIBAL, C. and MARTIKKE, S. 2022. It's in our DNA: perspectives on co-producing services in the UK voluntary sector. Voluntary sector review [online], 13(1), pages 157-166. Available from:

In this paper we report on the perceptions of co-production in the UK voluntary, community and social enterprise sector from those directly involved. We conducted five case studies, each involving interviews with two people who had formed a co-produc... Read More about It's in our DNA: perspectives on co-producing services in the UK voluntary sector..