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Professor Stephen Vertigans' Outputs (2)

Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence. (2010)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2010. Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence. In Hoffman, E.P. (ed.) Somalia: economic, political and social issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], chapter 2, pages 41-60. Available from:

In this chapter, the transformation of violence in Somalia is explored alongside concomitant shifting levels of insecurity and social constraint. Key historical, regional, national and international factors behind Somalia's structural weaknesses are... Read More about Somalia's insecurity and the normalisation of violence..

Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations? (2010)
Book Chapter
VERTIGANS, S. 2010. Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations? In Hoffmann, E.P. (ed.) Somalia: economic, political and social issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers [online], chapter 13, pages 211-213. Available from:

When examining the recent history of Somalia it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the post colonial approach and, in particular, the role of the nation-state has largely been a failure. The fundamentals associated with the state in the West,... Read More about Commentary: re-establishing the Somali state: for the benefit of the nation or other nations?.