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Professor Stephen Vertigans' Outputs (2)

Sustainable energy for emerging nations development: a case study on Togo renewable energy. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
KANSONGUE, N., NJUGUNA, J. and VERTIGANS, S. 2018. Sustainable energy for emerging nations development: a case study on Togo renewable energy. In Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Power and Energy Society (PES) and Industrial Applications Society (IAS) PowerAfrica 2018 conference, 26-29 June 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE [online], pages 137-141. Available from:

This paper explores the need for an appropriate energy delivery, placing emphasis on the role of the indigenous people in developing their future needs. The case study is based on Togo renewable energy sustainability and employs qualitative and quant... Read More about Sustainable energy for emerging nations development: a case study on Togo renewable energy..

Is there a role for therapeutic photography in social work with groups? (2018)
GIBSON, N.F. 2018. Is there a role for therapeutic photography in social work with groups? Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Therapeutic photography is the term given to the use of photography to elicit positive outcomes for the user, yet these benefits appear to be underutilised within professional practice, particularly where a therapeutic relationship already exists whi... Read More about Is there a role for therapeutic photography in social work with groups?.