Has the contribution of selected foods to intakes of energy, fat, saturated fat and sugar changed over time?
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BARTON, K.L., MASSON, L.F., WRIEDEN, W.L., ANDERSON, A.S., SHERRIFF, A. and ARMSTRONG, J.A. 2018. Has the contribution of selected foods to intakes of energy, fat, saturated fat and sugar changed over time? Presented at the 2018 Nutrition Society spring conference: nutrient-nutrient interaction, 26-27 March 2018, Glasgow, UK.
Progress towards the Scottish Dietary goals has been monitored since 2001, principally using Scottish food purchase data collected annually by the Office for National Statistics. Since national and global food supplies are constantly evolving, it is... Read More about Has the contribution of selected foods to intakes of energy, fat, saturated fat and sugar changed over time?.