Dr Neil Johnson
Exploring the sustainability of the NHS nursing workforce due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
People Involved
Professor Angela Kydd
Dr Nicola Torrance
Professor Catriona Kennedy c.m.kennedy1@rgu.ac.uk
Associate Dean for Research
Dr Aileen Grant a.grant17@rgu.ac.uk
Associate Professor
Professor Flora Douglas f.douglas3@rgu.ac.uk
No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic. (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
GRANT, A., TORRANCE, N., O'BRIEN, R., DOUGLAS, F., BALDIE, D. and KENNEDY, C. 2022. No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the 2022 Annual conference of the British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Study Group (BSA MedSoc 2022), 14-16 September 2022, Lancaster, UK.The COVID-19 pandemic disordered the routine delivery of health care. We explored nurses' experiences of working in COVID and non-COVID facing roles, focusing on staff in the acute sector of one Scottish health board. The study covered the period bet... Read More about No backstage: the relentless emotional management of acute nursing through the COVID-19 pandemic..