Professor Nirmalie Wiratunga
Associate Dean for Research
Counterfactual Reasoning for Robotic dialogue
People Involved
Research Student
Mr Vihanga Wijayasekara
Research Assistant
Elsa Cox
Professor Kay Cooper
Associate Dean (Research)
Project Description
In response to the growing needs of an aging population, our project seeks to enhance care of older adults through the development of more intuitive and transparent human-robot interactions in care tasks. By integrating counterfactual reasoning with advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, we aim to improve how care robots explain their decisions to people whom they are supporting. Counterfactual reasoning allows robots to describe how altering certain conditions could lead to different outcomes, making their actions and limitations clearer and helping to build trust between robots and users.
Our approach involves creating an NLP robot-care simulation framework, using co-design activities, that incorporates NLP to produce counterfactual explanations from real-life interactions between robots and older adults. This framework will combine methods in Natural Language Understanding and Generation to process human natural inputs and articulate explanations. To ensure effectiveness in actual care settings, we will test and refine our prototype within the simulated environment.
This research addresses a vital gap by equipping care robots with the capability to transparently share their reasoning processes. Ultimately, our goal is to enhance care management for those experiencing frailty, making robotic aides more accessible and supportive, while also enhancing user trust and acceptance.
Project Acronym | RobotTalk |
Status | Project Live |
Funder(s) | Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council |
Value | £23,953.00 |
Project Dates | Jun 1, 2024 - Jan 31, 2025 |
Partner Organisations | University of Nottingham |
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