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Comparative analysis of mechanical response in epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with MXene and other carbon-based nano-fillers: an experimental and numerical study. (2024)
Journal Article
SAHARUDIN, M.S., HASBI, S., AHMAD, E.Z., SAGAR, S., DAOUSH, W.M. and INAM, F. 2024. Comparative analysis of mechanical response in epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with MXene and other carbon-based nano-fillers: an experimental and numerical study. Journal of advanced research in micro and nano engineering [online], 26(1), pages 54-65. Available from:

This research introduces a finite element model tailored explicitly to assess the mechanical characteristics inherent in MXene/polymer nano-composite. The primary focus revolves around elucidating the performance attributes through numerical simulati... Read More about Comparative analysis of mechanical response in epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with MXene and other carbon-based nano-fillers: an experimental and numerical study..

Interfacial engineering of MoxSy via Boron‐doping for electrochemical N2‐to‐NH3 conversion. (2024)
Journal Article
ALSABBAN, M.M., PERAMAIAH, K., GENOVESE, A., AHMAD, R., AZOFRA, L.M., RAMALINGAM, V., HEDHILI, M.N., WEHBE, N., CAVALLO, L. and HUANG, K.-W. [2024]. Interfacial engineering of MoxSy via Boron-doping for electrochemical N2-to-NH3 conversion. Advanced materials [online], Early View. Available from:

The electrocatalytic synthesis of ammonia (NH3) through the nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) under ambient temperature and pressure is emerging as an alternative approach to the conventional Haber–Bosch process. However, it remains a significant cha... Read More about Interfacial engineering of MoxSy via Boron‐doping for electrochemical N2‐to‐NH3 conversion..