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One of the biggest threats to modern civilisation? The weaponisation of "wokeness" in the UK press and political discourses. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SMITH, D.S. 2023. One of the biggest threats to modern civilisation? The weaponisation of "wokeness" in the UK press and political discourses. Presented at the 2023 International PhD scholar conference: researching sensitive subjects and fragile lives, 5-7 December 2023, [virtual conference].

Though the term originated in the early twentieth century, it is only recently "wokeness" has become a staple of British media discourse. Typically, the concept features in commentaries and exchanges about institutional power, censorship, minority ri... Read More about One of the biggest threats to modern civilisation? The weaponisation of "wokeness" in the UK press and political discourses..

Why would anyone join the "nofap" movement? (2023)
Newspaper / Magazine
SMITH, D.S. 2023. Why would anyone join the "nofap" movement? Current affairs [online], 30 January 2023. Available from:

In this contribution to "Current Affairs", the author explains the theory behind the "nofap" challenge, in which participants don't masturbate or watch porn. It has grown into a large online movement. The author explores the gender politics of these... Read More about Why would anyone join the "nofap" movement?.