Towards feasible counterfactual explanations: a taxonomy guided template-based NLG method.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SALIMI, P., WIRATUNGA, N., CORSAR, D. and WIJEKOON, A. 2023. Towards feasible counterfactual explanations: a taxonomy guided template-based NLG method. In Gal, K., Nowé, A., Nalepa, G.J., Fairstein, R. and Rădulescu, R. (eds.) ECAI 2023: proceedings of the 26th European conference on artificial intelligence (ECAI 2023), 30 September - 4 October 2023, Kraków, Poland. Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications, 372. Amsterdam: IOS Press [online], pages 2057-2064. Available from:
Counterfactual Explanations (cf-XAI) describe the smallest changes in feature values necessary to change an outcome from one class to another. However, many cf-XAI methods neglect the feasibility of those changes. In this paper, we introduce a novel... Read More about Towards feasible counterfactual explanations: a taxonomy guided template-based NLG method..