Indicative findings from a study of information behaviour in digital business ideation: insights from the developing world.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
IBRAHIM, S., MARCELLA, R. and MACLENNAN, A. 2022. Indicative findings from a study of information behaviour in digital business ideation: insights from the developing world. Information research [online], 27(Special issue): proceedings of the 11th International conference on Conceptions of library and information science (CoLIS), 29 May - 01 June 2022, Oslo, Sweden and proceedings of the 2022 Information seeking in context conference (ISIC 2022): the information behaviour conference, 26-29 September 2022, Berlin, Germany, article isic2233. Available from:
Though a wealth of information behaviour research has been undertaken in various contexts over the years, less has been done on entrepreneurship. In particular, there is a lack of literature around the ideation component in the early stages of busine... Read More about Indicative findings from a study of information behaviour in digital business ideation: insights from the developing world..