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The lifecycle of a social media beauty trend: a case study of the Instagram body. [Thesis] (2022)
UTI, T.O. 2022. The lifecycle of a social media beauty trend: a case study of the Instagram body. Robert Gordon University, MPhil thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The study pursued the creation of a functional model of the typical lifecycle of a social media beauty trend. Within the fashion and consumer goods industries, lifecycle models already exist that explain the typical manifestations of products and tre... Read More about The lifecycle of a social media beauty trend: a case study of the Instagram body. [Thesis].

This post is sponsored but all opinions are my own: does fashion blogging offer an authentic voice? An investigation into the credibility of fashion blogger sponsored content and blogger perspectives on the tensions between authenticity and commercialisation. (2021)
DARGIE, H. 2021. This post is sponsored but all opinions are my own: does fashion blogging offer an authentic voice? An investigation into the credibility of fashion blogger sponsored content and blogger perspectives on the tensions between authenticity and commercialisation. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

This study investigates the impact of commercial sponsorship upon fashion blogging, a form of digital communication that has become important in influencing online consumer behaviour. Fashion companies appreciate the marketing value of blogs and have... Read More about This post is sponsored but all opinions are my own: does fashion blogging offer an authentic voice? An investigation into the credibility of fashion blogger sponsored content and blogger perspectives on the tensions between authenticity and commercialisation..

Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom. (2021)
CROSS, K.A. 2021. Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

This Comfort in Clothing study explores how fashion, clothing and dress practices contribute to the psychosocial well-being of women in the UK. Fashion is a global industry, fuelled in recent times by the growth of the athleisurewear sector, reflecti... Read More about Comfort in clothing: a Baumanian critique of how clothing contributes to the well-being of women in the United Kingdom..