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A pipeline framework for robot maze navigation using computer vision, path planning and communication protocols.

Rodriguez-Tirado, Areli; Magallan-Ramirez, Daniela; Martinez-Aguilar, Jorge David; Moreno-Garcia, Carlos Francisco; Balderas, David; Lopez-Caudana, Edgar


Areli Rodriguez-Tirado

Daniela Magallan-Ramirez

Jorge David Martinez-Aguilar

David Balderas

Edgar Lopez-Caudana


Maze navigation is a recurring challenge in robotics competitions, where the aim is to design a strategy for one or several entities to traverse the optimal path in a fast and efficient way. To do so, numerous alternatives exist, relying on different sensing systems. Recently, camera-based approaches are becoming increasingly popular to address this scenario due to their reliability and given the possibility of migrating the resulting technologies to other application areas, mostly related to human-robot interaction. The aim of this paper is to present a pipeline methodology towards enabling a robot solving maze autonomously, by means of computer vision and path planning. Afterwards, the robot is capable of communicating the learned experience to a second robot, which then will solve the same challenge considering its own mechanical characteristics which may differ from the first robot. The pipeline is divided into four steps: (1) camera calibration (2) maze mapping (3) path planning and (4) communication. Experimental validation shows the efficiency of each step towards building this pipeline.


RODRIGUEZ-TIRADO, A., MAGALLAN-RAMIREZ, D., MARTINEZ-AGUILAR, J.D., MORENO-GARCIA, C.F., BALDERAS, D. and LOPEZ-CAUDANA, E. 2020. A pipeline framework for robot maze navigation using computer vision, path planning and communication protocols. In Proceedings of 13th Developments in eSystems engineering international conference 2020 (DeSe 2020), 13-17 December 2020, [virtual conference]. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 152-157. Available from:

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 13th Developments in eSystems engineering international conference 2020 (DeSE)
Start Date Dec 14, 2020
End Date Dec 17, 2020
Acceptance Date Nov 19, 2020
Online Publication Date Dec 17, 2020
Publication Date Jun 14, 2021
Deposit Date Jun 17, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 22, 2021
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 152-157
Series ISSN 2161-1351
ISBN 9781665422383
Keywords Robot navigation; Computer vision; Camera calibration; Mapping; Path planning; Communication; NAO robot; Educational innovation; Higher education
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