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Cost description and characterisation of gas enhanced oil recovery processes.

Abunumah, Ofasa; Ogunlude, Priscilla; Gobina, Edward


Ofasa Abunumah

Priscilla Ogunlude

Edward Gobina


Cost optimisation is a critical subject in energy security, such as in oil recovery and production. The cost characterisation of Gas Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) has been evaluated using data mining and experimental methods. The underlying engineering and economic premise are that the respective gas EOR processes would experience discrimination in certain CAPEX and OPEX cost centres, such as injectant fluid, drilling infill wells, and power costs. Several authors have examined the cost burden of implementing a gas or have compared two gas performances. However, no literature has simultaneously investigated the cost competitiveness of the four (CH4, N2, Air, and CO2) gases commonly used in Gas EOR technology. This study has been able to fill this gap with a focus on injectant cost. Field data mining reveals that cost and oil price are significant drivers for EOR project initiation. It further shows that EOR reservoirs are characterisable by the injected fluid cost. This was coroborated by the experimental outcome. Therefore, it can be stated that the experimental results sufficiently validate the data mining results. The coupling of the two sets of results reveals the competitiveness of the EOR gases to be stated as: CO2 > N2 > Air > CH4. The competitiveness of CO2 also favours Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).


ABUNUMAH, O., OGUNLUDE, P. and GOBINA, E. 2021. Cost description and characterisation of gas enhanced oil recovery processes. In 2021 TUBA (Turkish Academy of Science) World conference on energy science and technology (TUBA WCEST-2021) book of abstracts, 8-12 August 2021, [virtual conference]. Ankara: Turkish Academy of Sciences [online], pages 90-91. Available from:

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name 2021 TUBA (Turkish Academy of Science) World conference on energy science and technology (TUBA WCEST-2021)
Start Date Aug 8, 2021
End Date Aug 12, 2021
Publication Date Aug 12, 2021
Deposit Date Sep 13, 2021
Publicly Available Date Sep 23, 2021
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords EOR cost; Reservoir characterisation; Injectants; Gas EOR; Gas cost
Public URL
Additional Information ISBN: 9786052249758


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