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Moving from consultation to co-creation with knowledge users in scoping reviews: guidance from the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group.

Pollock, Danielle; Alexander, Lyndsay; Munn, Zachary; Peters, Micah D.J.; Khalil, Hanan; Godfrey, Christina M.; McInerney, Patricia; Synnot, Anneliese; Tricco, Andrea C.


Danielle Pollock

Zachary Munn

Micah D.J. Peters

Hanan Khalil

Christina M. Godfrey

Patricia McInerney

Anneliese Synnot

Andrea C. Tricco


Knowledge user consultation is often limited or omitted in the conduct of scoping reviews. Not including knowledge users within the conduct and reporting of scoping reviews could be due to a lack of guidance or understanding about what consultation requires and the subsequent benefits. Knowledge user engagement in evidence synthesis, including consultation approaches, has many associated benefits, including improved relevance of the research and better dissemination and implementation of research findings. Scoping reviews, however, have not been specifically focused on in terms of research into knowledge user consultation and evidence syntheses. In this paper, we will present JBI's guidance for knowledge user engagement in scoping reviews based on the expert opinion of the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group. We offer specific guidance on how this can occur and provide information regarding how to report and evaluate knowledge user engagement within scoping reviews. We believe that scoping review authors should embed knowledge user engagement into all scoping reviews and strive towards a co-creation model.


POLLOCK, D., ALEXANDER, L., MUNN, Z., PETERS, M.D.J., KHALIL, H., GODFREY, C.M., MCINERNEY, P., SYNNOT, A. and TRICCO, A.C. 2022. Moving from consultation to co-creation with knowledge users in scoping reviews: guidance from the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group. JBI evidence synthesis [online], 20(4), pages 969-979. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 24, 2022
Online Publication Date Apr 24, 2022
Publication Date Apr 30, 2022
Deposit Date Jun 30, 2022
Publicly Available Date Apr 25, 2023
Journal JBI evidence synthesis
Electronic ISSN 2689-8381
Publisher Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 20
Issue 4
Pages 969-979
Keywords Engagement; Evidence synthesis; Knowledge user; Methodology; Scoping reviews
Public URL


POLLOCK 2022 Moving from consultation (AAM) (299 Kb)

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Copyright Statement
This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in JBI Evidence Synthesis. The published version of record POLLOCK, D., ALEXANDER, L., MUNN, Z., PETERS, M.D.J., KHALIL, H., GODFREY, C.M., MCINERNEY, P., SYNNOT, A. and TRICCO, A.C. 2022. Moving from consultation to co-creation with knowledge users in scoping reviews: guidance from the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group. JBI evidence synthesis, 20(4), pages 969-979, is available online at:

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