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A qualitative exploration of key stakeholders’ views and perceptions in relation to organisational change for the implementation of polypharmacy management in Oman.

Al Bulushi, S.; McIntosh, T.; Grant, A.; Stewart, D.; Cunningham, S.


T. McIntosh

D. Stewart


Polypharmacy contributes to patient non-adherence and increases medication harm. Barriers to implementation prevent desired outcomes when addressing inappropriate polypharmacy at organisational levels and there is a need for theory-based strategies for change management. The objective of this study was to explore the views and perceptions of key stakeholders in relation to organisational change for the development and implementation of a polypharmacy management healthcare strategy in Oman. Qualitative face to face interviews started in March 2022 with key stakeholders in Oman Ministry of Health (MOH) including leaders from practice of Medical, pharmacy and nursing as well as academic leaders from school of medicine, pharmacy and nursing. The interview schedule developed based on a scoping review, Kotter's first three steps of leading change and grounded in the consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CIFR). Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, and analysed independently by at least two researchers using CFIR as a coding framework. Ethics approval was in place prior to data generation. Identified themes related to views and perceptions of key stakeholders in relation to the topic area. To date, ten interviews have been conducted with directors of medical (n=2), pharmacy (2) and nursing practice (1), academic healthcare leaders (3), a healthcare policy developer (1) and patient safety leader (1). Additional interviews are planned and will continue until data saturation. Emerging themes show that participants have views that polypharmacy is a burden on healthcare services and there is a need for organisational change in relation to polypharmacy management. Perceptions of reported organisational level barriers were; fragmentation of care, lack of systems for coordination among healthcare providers, absence of electronic link between the government and private sector, lack of sense of urgency among leaders regarding the polypharmacy and shortage of pharmacists. Facilitators were; the presence of well-developed electronic health system and leadership support. There is a need for for organisational change in relation to polypharmacy management in Oman. Further research is needed to obtain consensus of Omani stakeholders on the plan for a strategic framework for organisational change in relation to polypharmacy management.


AL BULUSHI, S., MCINTOSH, T., GRANT, A., STEWART, D. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2022. A qualitative exploration of key stakeholders' views and perceptions in relation to organisational change for the implementation of polypharmacy management in Oman. Presented at the 50th ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) symposium on clinical pharmacy, polypharmacy and ageing: highly individualized, interprofessional, person-centered care, 19-21 October 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name 50th ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) symposium on clinical pharmacy, polypharmacy and ageing: highly individualized, interprofessional, person-centered care
Start Date Oct 19, 2022
End Date Oct 21, 2022
Deposit Date Apr 4, 2023
Publicly Available Date Apr 4, 2023
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Polypharmacy; Medication harm; Patient non-adherence; Oman
Public URL
Additional Information Abstract published as:
ALBULUSHI, S., CUNNINGHAM, S., MCINTOSH, T., GRANT, A., STEWART, D., FAHMI, M. and AL RAISI, F. 2022. A qualitative exploration of key stakeholders' views and perceptions in relation to organisational change for the implementation of polypharmacy management in Oman. International journal of clinical pharmacy [online], 44(6): conference abstracts of 50th ESCP (European Society of Clinical Pharmacy) symposium on clinical pharmacy, polypharmacy and ageing: highly individualized, interprofessional, person-centered care, 19-21 October 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, article PP093, page 1532. Available from:


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