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Modelling, optimisation and analysis of tubular high temperature solid oxide steam electrolysis cell.

Kurushina, Victoria; Soman, Ajith; Rajendran, Vinooth; Prathuru, Anil; Hossain, Mamdud; Horri, Bahman Amini; Cai, Qiong; Faisal, Nadimul


Victoria Kurushina

Ajith Soman

Bahman Amini Horri

Qiong Cai


Developing electrolyser cells with enhanced hydrogen production and their scalable manufacturing can play an important role in enabling not only eco-friendly development but also cost-effective, reliable, and sustainable opportunities. Thermomechanical assessments of expected deformations at high temperature bandwidth for two types of materials, used as a cell metal support were performed. Revealed changes to geometry, especially, at fixed-fixed conditions provide a basis to estimate the overall cell stability, optimise the fluid dynamics component and electrochemical performance.


KURUSHINA, V., SOMAN, A., RAJENDRAN, V., PRATHURU, A., HOSSAIN, M., HORRI, B.A., CAI, Q. and FAISAL, N. 2023. Modelling, optimisation and analysis of tubular high temperature solid oxide steam electrolysis cell. Presented at the 2023 All-energy and dcarbonise conference, 10-11 May 2023, Glasgow, UK.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name 2023 All-energy and dcarbonise conference
Start Date May 10, 2023
End Date May 11, 2023
Deposit Date May 16, 2023
Publicly Available Date May 16, 2023
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Hydrogen; Net-zero; High-temperature solid oxide steam electrolysis (HT-SOSE); Nuclear power; Waste steam
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