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The role of 3D technology in enhancing the visitor experience in the 21st century.

Pritchard, Douglas



This presentation provided a demonstration of a new computer graphics platform that uses multiple high-definition photographs of a specific place to construct a very accurate, three-dimension digital model.


PRITCHARD, D. 2013. The role of 3D technology in enhancing the visitor experience in the 21st century. Presented at the Seminar on tourism at world heritage sites: challenges and opportunities, co-located with the 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe, 26 March 2013, Çeşme, Turkey.

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name Seminar on tourism at world heritage sites: challenges and opportunities, co-located with the 55th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe
Start Date Mar 26, 2013
Deposit Date Oct 17, 2023
Publicly Available Date Dec 11, 2023
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Three-dimensional rendering; Digital humanities; Cultural heritage; Digitisation
Public URL
Additional Information The file used for this output is a short recap of the content of the original presentation, which has been published with the following citation: PRITCHARD, D. 2015, The role of 3D technology in enhancing the visitor experience in the 21st century. In World Tourism Organization (ed.) Tourism at world heritage sites: challenges and opportunities: international tourism seminar, Çeşme (Izmir), Turkey, 26 March 2013. Madrid: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) [online], page 70. Available from: . The publication has the following ISBNs: 9789284416608; 9789284416592. UNWTO's preferred citation for the original source is: World Tourism Organization (2015). Tourism at world heritage sites: challenges and opportunities: international tourism seminar, Çeşme (Izmir), Turkey, 26 March 2013, p. 70, UNWTO, Madrid. Available at: [20-11-2023]


PRITCHARD 2013 The role of 3D technology (v2) (421 Kb)

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Updated 2023-12-11

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