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The structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review.

Al Raiisi, Fatma; Stewart, D.; Salgado, Teresa; Fernandez-Llimos, Fernando; Fahmy, Mustafa; Cunningham, Scott


Fatma Al Raiisi

D. Stewart

Teresa Salgado

Fernando Fernandez-Llimos

Mustafa Fahmy


The aim of this systematic review was to critically appraise, synthesize and present the available evidence for the structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice in caring from patients with chronic kidney disease. The key review questions to be asked were 1) What clinical pharmacy practice related resources (structures, e.g. the multidisciplinary team, clinical pharmacy skill mix and time allocation) are in place and how are these matched to healthcare needs and demands to enable provide care to CKD patients? 2) What activities are performed (processes, e.g. medication review, prescribing) to care for patients with CKD, how and when are they performed? 3) What are the outcomes of the structure and the processes on the effectiveness (Economic, Clinical, and Humanistic Outcomes (ECHO) model) and efficiency of care provided?


AL RAIISI, F., STEWART, D., SALGADO, T., FERNANDEZ-LLIMOS, F., FAHMY, M. and CUNNINGHAM, S. 2018. The structures, processes and related outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of the multidisciplinary care of patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review. European journal of hospital pharmacy [online], 25(Supplement 1): proceedings of the 23rd European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) congress 2018: hospital pharmacists: show us what you can do!, 21-23 March 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, article number 4CPS-192. Available from:

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name 23rd European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) congress 2018: hospital pharmacists; show us what you can do!
Start Date Mar 21, 2018
End Date Mar 23, 2018
Deposit Date Apr 29, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jul 4, 2019
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Chronic kidney disease; Pharmacists; Medication management; Managing complications
Public URL


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