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A multichannel analysis of imbalanced computed tomography data for lung cancer classification.

Sohaib, Muhammad; Hasan, Md Junayed; Zheng, Zhonglong


Muhammad Sohaib

Zhonglong Zheng


Lung cancer holds the highest fatality rate among cancers, emphasizing the importance of early detection. Computer algorithms have gained prominence across various domains, including lung cancer diagnosis. These algorithms assist specialists, especially in medical imaging, yet current efforts lack comprehensive CT data analysis; especially in handling imbalanced datasets and fully exploiting spatial information. The lack of spatial analysis hinders the ability to identify subtle variations in texture and structure that are crucial for detecting lung cancer early and accurately. Therefore, this study uses a multichannel analysis of computed tomography (CT) images and deep learning-based ensemble learning (MC-ECNN) to find lung cancer even when the data is not balanced. Firstly, the data imbalance issue is tackled through the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SOMTE); afterwards, a multi-channel analysis of the data is performed to explore a distinct set of abstract features. Lastly, a deep ensemble learning method is used to classify the extracted distinct abstract feature set into the appropriate classes. The proposed method uses the discrete Fast Fourier transform (DFFT) and discrete cosine transform (DCT), along with the actual CT scans, for the multi-channel analysis of the data in different domains. The proposed model yielded 99.60% test accuracy on unseen data, which is at least 3% better than the other state-of-the-art studies considered for the comparison. In addition to the classification accuracy, the efficacy of the proposed model has also been justified through precision, recall, F1-score, support value, and misclassification rate.


SOHAIB, M., HASAN, M.J. and ZHENG, Z. 2024. A multichannel analysis of imbalanced computed tomography data for lung cancer classification. Measurement science and technology [online], 35(8), article number 085401. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 25, 2024
Online Publication Date May 7, 2024
Publication Date Aug 31, 2024
Deposit Date May 17, 2024
Publicly Available Date May 8, 2025
Journal Measurement science and technology
Print ISSN 0957-0233
Electronic ISSN 1361-6501
Publisher IOP Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 35
Issue 8
Article Number 085401
Keywords Cosine transform; Data imbalance; Fast Fourier transform; Lung cancer classification; Multichannel analysis; Synthetic minority oversampling
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