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Case-base maintenance with multi-objective evolutionary algorithms.

Lupiani, Eduardo; Massie, Stewart; Craw, Susan; Juarez, Jose M.; Palma, Jose


Eduardo Lupiani

Jose M. Juarez

Jose Palma


Case-Base Reasoning is a problem-solving methodology that uses old solved problems, called cases, to solve new problems. The case-base is the knowledge source where the cases are stored, and the amount of stored cases is critical to the problem-solving ability of the Case-Base Reasoning system. However, when the case-base has many cases, then performance problems arise due to the time needed to find those similar cases to the input problem. At this point, Case-Base Maintenance algorithms can be used to reduce the number of cases and maintain the accuracy of the Case-Base Reasoning system at the same time. Whereas Case-Base Maintenance algorithms typically use a particular heuristic to remove (or select) cases from the case-base, the resulting maintained case-base relies on the proportion of redundant and noisy cases that are present in the case-base, among other factors. That is, a particular Case-Base Maintenance algorithm is suitable for certain types of case-bases that share some indicators, such as redundancy and noise levels. In the present work, we consider Case-Base Maintenance as a multi-objective optimization problem, which is solved with a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. To this end, a fitness function is introduced to measure three different objectives based on the Complexity Profile model. Our hypothesis is that the Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm performing Case-Base Maintenance may be used in a wider set of case-bases, achieving a good balance between the reduction of cases and the problem-solving ability of the Case-Based Reasoning system. Finally, from a set of the experiments, our proposed Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm performing Case-Base Maintenance shows regularly good results with different sets of case-bases with different proportion of redundant and noisy cases.


LUPIANI, E., MASSIE, S., CRAW, S., JUAREZ, J.M. and PALMA, J. 2016. Case-base maintenance with multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Journal of intelligent information systems [online], 46(2), pages 259-284. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 12, 2014
Online Publication Date Sep 21, 2015
Publication Date Apr 30, 2016
Deposit Date Apr 19, 2016
Publicly Available Date Sep 22, 2016
Journal Journal of intelligent information systems
Print ISSN 0925-9902
Electronic ISSN 1573-7675
Publisher Springer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 46
Issue 2
Pages 259-284
Keywords Case based reasoning; Case base maintenance; Multi objective evolutionary algorithms
Public URL
Contract Date Apr 19, 2016


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