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Toward interprofessional learning and education: mapping common outcomes for prequalifying healthcare professional programs in the United Kingdom.

Steven, Kathryn; Howden, Stella; Mires, Gary; Rowe, Iain; Lafferty, Natalie; Arnold, Amy; Strath, Alison


Kathryn Steven

Stella Howden

Gary Mires

Iain Rowe

Natalie Lafferty

Alison Strath


Introduction: Interprofessional education (IPE) continues to be a key component in prequalifying health professional education, with calls for regulators to publish a joint statement regarding IPE outcomes. To date, the regulatory documents for healthcare education in the United Kingdom have not been examined for common learning outcomes; information that could be used to inform such a statement and to identify opportunities for interprofessional learning. Methods: A mapping of the outcomes/standards required by five, UK, health profession regulatory bodies was undertaken. This involved the identification of common outcomes, a keyword search and classification of common outcomes/standards; presented as themes and subthemes. Results: Seven themes were identified: knowledge for practice, skills for practice, ethical approach, professionalism, continuing professional development (CPD), patient-centered approach and teamworking skills, representing 22 subthemes. Each subtheme links back to the outcomes/standards in the regulatory documents. Conclusions: This study identifies the key areas of overlap in outcomes/standards expected of selected healthcare graduates in the United Kingdom. The mapping provides a framework for informing prequalifying IPE curricula, for example, identifying possible foci for interprofessional education outcomes and associated learning opportunities. It allows reference back to the standards set by regulatory bodies, a requirement for all institutions involved in health profession education.


STEVEN, K., HOWDEN, S., MIRES, G., ROWE, I., LAFFERTY, N., ARNOLD, A. and STRATH, A. 2017. Toward interprofessional learning and education: mapping common outcomes for prequalifying healthcare professional programs in the United Kingdom. Medical teacher [online], 39(7), pages 720-744. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 2, 2017
Online Publication Date May 2, 2017
Publication Date Jul 31, 2017
Deposit Date May 12, 2017
Publicly Available Date May 12, 2017
Journal Medical teacher
Print ISSN 0142-159X
Electronic ISSN 1466-187X
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 39
Issue 7
Pages 720-744
Keywords Interprofessional education (IPE); Healthcare; United Kingdom; Health profession education
Public URL
Contract Date May 12, 2017


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