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Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in Scottish GP practice: an interim analysis.

Stewart, Derek; Bennie, Marion; Maclure, Katie; Newham, Rosemary; Gibson-Smith, Kathrine; Cunningham, Scott; Bruce, Rachel; Fry, Sarah; MacKerrow, James


Derek Stewart

Marion Bennie

Katie Maclure

Rosemary Newham

Kathrine Gibson-Smith

Rachel Bruce

Sarah Fry

James MacKerrow


Background: Scottish Government policy has highlighted the potential contribution of pharmacy teams, comprising pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, in GP practices in Scotland. Purpose: To explore the role of pharmacy teams in GP practices in Scotland. Methods: An online questionnaire was developed, piloted and the link sent out by email from a nominated contact in each of the 14 Scottish Health Boards to all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working in GP Practices with two reminders at fortnightly intervals. Ethical approval had been gained. Results: Response rates for pharmacists were 83.4% (393/471) and pharmacy technicians, 89.4% (101/113). The majority of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians were aged between 30 and 49 years (n=248, 63.1%; n=68, 67.3% respectively) and had been qualified for 20 or more years (n=164, 41.7%, n=35, 34.7% respectively). Pharmacists reported working in up to 29 GP Practices (Median=2) and pharmacy technicians across 1 to 54 (Median=5). Pharmacists were undertaking medication/polypharmacy reviews face-to-face (n=231, 58.8%), notes only (n=159, 40.5%) and via telephone/video (n=104, 26.5%). Over 70% were currently undertaking prescribing efficiency work (n=297, 75.6%) and interpreting prescribing data (n=283, 72.0%). Pharmacy technicians were undertaking medication/polypharmacy reviews face-to-face (n=7, 6.9%), notes only (n=36, 35.6%) and via telephone/video (n=2, 2.0%). In addition, over 70% were currently undertaking prescribing efficiency work (n=80, 79.2%) and prescribing management processes (n=80, 79.2%). Conclusions: The findings illustrate the depth of the pharmacy workforce and diversity of roles of those employed in GP practices.


STEWART, D., BENNIE, M., MACLURE, K., NEWHAM, R., GIBSON SMITH, K., CUNNINGHAM, S., BRUCE, R., FRY, S. and MACKERROW, J. 2018. Exploring the role of pharmacy teams in Scottish GP practice: an interim analysis. Presented at the 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018), 2-6 September 2018, Glasgow, UK.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) world congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (FIP 2018)
Start Date Sep 2, 2018
End Date Sep 6, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jun 18, 2019
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Scottish Government policy; Pharmacy teams; GP practices; Scotland
Public URL


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