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Impact evaluation, professional practice and policy making.

Johnson, Ian M.; Williams, Dorothy A.; Wavell, Caroline; Baxter, Graeme


Ian M. Johnson

Dorothy A. Williams

Caroline Wavell

Graeme Baxter


This paper examines the relationship between research into the evaluation of the impact of library and information services, policy making in the field, and professional practice and education. The paper first summarises the background to a recent critical literature review undertaken on behalf of Resource: the Council on Museums, Archives and Libraries. The review was intended to identify any published evidence that Museums, Archives and Libraries are making a contributory impact to developments in the British Governments key policy areas. Except in the field of learning, little supporting evidence was found. Methodological weakness undermined the validity of much of the related work identified by the review. After considering approaches to ensuring the impact of research on policy making, including a more appropriate publication strategy and greater face-to-face dialogue, the paper discusses the attitudes of LIS practitioners towards academic research and the need for closer collaboration. Finally the paper speculates on some of the implications for LIS educators in developing future researchers better equipped to identify the contribution that libraries make, and more effective in influencing policy makers.


JOHNSON, I.M., WILLIAMS, D.A., WAVELL, C. and BAXTER, G. 2004. Impact evaluation, professional practice and policy making. New library world [online], 105(1/2), pages 33-46. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 31, 2004
Online Publication Date Jan 31, 2004
Publication Date Jan 31, 2004
Deposit Date Nov 11, 2008
Publicly Available Date Nov 11, 2008
Journal New library world
Print ISSN 0307-4803
Publisher Emerald
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 105
Issue 1/2
Pages 33-46
Keywords Archives; Librarians; Libraries; Library and information networks; Research; Resource allocation
Public URL
Contract Date Nov 11, 2008


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