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Stoch-DisPeL: exploiting randomisation in DisPeL.

Basharu, Muhammed; Arana, In�s; Ahriz, Hatem


Muhammed Basharu

In�s Arana


We present Stoch-DisPeL, an extension of the distributed constraint programming algorithm DisPeL which incorporates randomisation into the algorithm. We justify the introduction of stochastic moves and analyse its performance on random DisCSPs and on Distributed SAT problems. We also empirically compare Stoch-DisPeL's performance to that of DisPel and DSA-B1N - our improved version of DSA. The results obtained show a clear advantage of the introduction of random moves in DisPeL. Our new algorithm, Stoch-DisPeL, also performs better than DSA-B1N.


BASHARU, M., ARANA, I. and AHRIZ, H. 2006. Stoch-DisPeL: exploiting randomisation in DisPeL. Presented at the 7th International workshop on distributed constraint reasoning (DCR 2006), part of the 5th International joint conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS 2006), 8-12 May 2006, Hakodate, Japan.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name 7th International workshop on distributed constraint reasoning (DCR 2006)
Start Date May 8, 2006
End Date May 12, 2006
Deposit Date Dec 8, 2008
Publicly Available Date Dec 8, 2008
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords DisPeL; Distributed constraint programming algorithm; Stoch DisPeL
Public URL
Contract Date Dec 8, 2008


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