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Family carers' preferences for support when caring for a family member at the end of life at home: protocol for an integrative literature review. [Protocol]

Larsson, Maria; Lee, Siew Hwa; Wilde-Larsson, Bodil; Olsson, Cecilia; Bjuresäter, Kaisa; Hov, Reidun; Grov, Ellen Karine; Kennedy, Catriona


Maria Larsson

Bodil Wilde-Larsson

Cecilia Olsson

Kaisa Bjuresäter

Reidun Hov

Ellen Karine Grov


The aim of this integrative review is to explore the evidence base of family carers' preferences for support during end of life care in their own home. To investigate what preferences for support family carers have during end of life care in their own home, what help family carers requires to cope during end of life care in their own home and how the organisation of end of life care at home effects the family carers.


LARSSON, M., LEE, S.H., WILDE-LARSSON, B., OLSSON, C., BJURESÄTER, K., HOV, R., GROV, E.K. and KENNEDY, C. 2016. Family carers' preferences for support when caring for a family member at the end of life at home: protocol for an integrative literature review. [Protocol]. PROSPERO [online], item number CRD42016037839. Available from:

Other Type Protocol
Online Publication Date Apr 19, 2016
Deposit Date Sep 14, 2016
Publicly Available Date Sep 14, 2016
Publisher University of York. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Keywords Family carers; End of life care; Support; Own home; Cost effectiveness of interventions
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