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Aberdeen: one step at a time: how to prioritise movement of people and make walking cool.

Belkouri, Daria; Laing, Richard


Richard Laing


During the course of undertaking local evaluation within the PORTIS project in Aberdeen, our experience suggested that in order to develop a much deeper understanding of cause and effect in relation to walking within the city, we would need to collect additional qualitative data pertaining to the urban environment. This has included study of the physical design and use of space, and of behavioural shifts that may be brought about through both voluntary and enforced change. The work contained within this document was undertaken by the local evaluation team and aimed to explore how walking can be supported, encouraged and positively influenced by the urban environment itself. Through the use of a range of innovative qualitative data collection techniques, including the use of advanced mobile laser scanning technology, we feel that we have addressed one of our own aims, which was to look at the city with fresh eyes and from a new - sometimes abstract- perspective. Themes and issues raised within the document arguably signal ways in which the city might be allowed and supported to evolve in the coming years. This will not necessarily be a quick or easy process; instead we argue it is one that can be addressed one step at a time.


BELKOURI, D. and LAING, R. 2020. Aberdeen: one step at a time: how to prioritise movement of people and make walking cool. Hosted on the CIVITAS project website [online]. Available from:

Report Type Research Report
Deposit Date Nov 11, 2020
Publicly Available Date Dec 18, 2020
Keywords Urban architecture; Urban planning; Pedestrians; Walking; Aberdeen
Public URL
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