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All Outputs (4)

Putting ageism in context: examining the relationship between age discrimination and frailty among older individuals aged 65 years and over. (2022)
AMINU, A.Q. 2022. Putting ageism in context: examining the relationship between age discrimination and frailty among older individuals aged 65 years and over. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Frailty is the inability of the body's defence system to cope with stressors. It is known to increase the risk of adverse health outcomes such as mortality, falls and hospitalisation among the older population. While the burden of frailty is continuo... Read More about Putting ageism in context: examining the relationship between age discrimination and frailty among older individuals aged 65 years and over..

Implications for policy and planning to foster solidarity between the generations and enhance healthy life among older adults. (2021)
XU, W., ALLEN, L., BRKIC, J., AMINU, A., SM-RAHMAN, A., KYDD, A. and FIALOVÁ, D. [2021]. Implications for policy and planning to foster solidarity between the generations and enhance healthy life among older adults. EuroAgeism Work Package 2. Hosted on the EuroAgeism website [online]. Available from:

This policy document is a compilation of the studies of the five Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in Working Package 2 of the EuroAgeism project (WP2). WP2 explores ageism in access to goods and services: social and health services (formal, informal),... Read More about Implications for policy and planning to foster solidarity between the generations and enhance healthy life among older adults..

Self-efficacy is a modifiable factor associated with frailty in those with minor stroke: secondary analysis of 200 cohort respondents. (2021)
Journal Article
AMINU, A.Q., WONDERGEM, R., VAN ZAALEN, Y. and PISTERS, M. 2021. Self-efficacy is a modifiable factor associated with frailty in those with minor stroke: secondary analysis of 200 cohort respondents. Cerebrovascular diseases extra [online], 11(3), pages 99-105. Available from:

Background: Owing to the improvement in acute care, there has been an increase in the number of people surviving stroke and living with its impairments. Frailty is common in people with stroke and has a significant impact on the prognosis after strok... Read More about Self-efficacy is a modifiable factor associated with frailty in those with minor stroke: secondary analysis of 200 cohort respondents..

Adult dental health survey 2009: association between oral health outcomes and living arrangements of older adults in the UK. (2019)
Journal Article
AMINU, A.Q. 2019. Adult dental health survey 2009: association between oral health outcomes and living arrangements of older adults in the UK. British dental journal [online], 227(2), pages 115-120. Available from:

Introduction: Considering the growing ageing populations and the impact of oral health in the wellbeing of older adults, there is a need for understanding dental care utilisation among this group. The objective of this study was to examine the relati... Read More about Adult dental health survey 2009: association between oral health outcomes and living arrangements of older adults in the UK..