Incremental capacity curve health-indicator extraction based on gaussian filter and improved relevance vector machine for lithium–ion battery remaining useful life estimation.
Journal Article
FAN, Y., QIU, J., WANG, S., YANG, X., LIU, D. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2022. Incremental capacity curve health-indicator extraction based on gaussian filter and improved relevance vector machine for lithium–ion battery remaining useful life estimation. Metals [online], 12(8), article 1331. Available from:
Accurate prediction of the remaining useful life (RUL) of lithium–ion batteries is the focus of lithium–ion battery health management. To achieve high–precision RUL estimation of lithium–ion batteries, a novel RUL prediction model is proposed by comb... Read More about Incremental capacity curve health-indicator extraction based on gaussian filter and improved relevance vector machine for lithium–ion battery remaining useful life estimation..