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An optimized long short-term memory-weighted fading extended Kalman filtering model with wide temperature adaptation for the state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries.

Takyi-Aninakwa, Paul; Wang, Shunli; Zhang, Hongying; Yang, Xiaoyong; Fernandez, Carlos


Paul Takyi-Aninakwa

Shunli Wang

Hongying Zhang

Xiaoyong Yang


Accurate state of charge (SOC) estimation at different operating temperatures is essential for the reliable and safe operation of battery management systems (BMS) for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles (EVs). In this paper, an optimized long-short-term memory-weighted fading extended Kalman filtering (LSTM-WFEKF) model with wide temperature adaptation is proposed as a temperature-conditioned model for SOC estimation. Firstly, the input datasets are categorized based on the operating temperatures for EVs in the United States Advanced Battery Consortium manual: cold (−10°C), normal (25°C), and hot (50°C) temperatures and optimized with an attention mechanism for faster training of the LSTM model to cross-train and test to specifically study the effects of temperature on the SOC estimation through a transfer learning mechanism. Secondly, the SOC estimated by the LSTM model is input into a WFEKF method, which introduces adaptive weighing and fading factors to correct, denoise, and optimize the final SOC for each temperature variation under complex working conditions. Finally, the results show that the training and testing temperatures have distinctive SOC effects using the LSTM model. Also, the proposed LSTM-WFEKF model estimates the SOC with overall best mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE), and R-squared (R2) values of 0.0697%, 0.0784%, and 99.9965%, respectively, under different temperatures and complex working conditions, which is optimal compared to other existing models. Based on the MAE, RMSE, and (R2) values under different operating temperatures and complex working conditions, this paper concludes that the 25°C training dataset ensures a more accurate SOC estimation. Meanwhile, the −10°C and 50°C training datasets cause more and less noisy estimates, respectively. The proposed LSTM-WFEKF model has wide temperature and working condition adaptability for real-time BMS applications in EVs.


TAKYI-ANINAKWA, P., WANG, S., ZHANG, H., YANG, X. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2022. An optimized long short-term memory-weighted fading extended Kalman filtering model with wide temperature adaptation for the state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries. Applied energy [online], 326, article 120043. Available from:

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 22, 2022
Online Publication Date Nov 3, 2022
Publication Date Nov 15, 2022
Deposit Date Oct 10, 2022
Publicly Available Date Nov 4, 2023
Journal Applied energy
Print ISSN 0306-2619
Electronic ISSN 1872-9118
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 326
Article Number 120043
Keywords State of charge; Lithium-ion battery; Long short-term memory; Weighted fading extended Kalman filter; Temperature-conditioned model; Transfer learning
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