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Understanding the lived experience of low-income UK parents’ and carers’, management of infant feeding challenges in the context of the current cost of living crisis: the Diet and Health Inequalities (DIO Food) project. (2025)
Preprint / Working Paper
HUNTER, E. and DOUGLAS, F. [2025]. Understanding the lived experience of low-income UK parents' and carers', management of infant feeding challenges in the context of the current cost of living crisis: the Diet and Health Inequalities (DIO Food) project. [Preprint]. Hosted on OSF: Centre for Open Science [online]. Available from:

As the cost-of-living crisis continues, food charities report increased demand from families with young children and babies, suggesting, infants in low-income UK households are amongst the most food insecure of our citizens. This is concerning, first... Read More about Understanding the lived experience of low-income UK parents’ and carers’, management of infant feeding challenges in the context of the current cost of living crisis: the Diet and Health Inequalities (DIO Food) project..

Understanding the barriers to purchasing healthier, more environmentally sustainable food for people living with obesity and varying experiences of food insecurity in the UK. (2025)
Journal Article
STONE, R.A., CHRISTIANSEN, P., JOHNSTONE, A.M., BROWN, A., DOUGLAS, F., HARDMAN, C.A., on behalf of the FIO-Food Team. 2025. Understanding the barriers to purchasing healthier, more environmentally sustainable food for people living with obesity and varying experiences of food insecurity in the UK. Food policy [online], 131, article 102798. Available from:

In westernised countries, food insecurity (FI) is robustly associated with low diet quality, and obesity. Grocery stores are one promising arena for interventions to facilitate purchasing of healthier, more environmentally sustainable food. However,... Read More about Understanding the barriers to purchasing healthier, more environmentally sustainable food for people living with obesity and varying experiences of food insecurity in the UK..

We go hunting...: understanding experiences of people living with obesity and food insecurity when shopping for food in the supermarket to meet their weight-related goals. (2024)
Journal Article
HUNTER, E., STONE, R.A., BROWN, A., HARDMAN, C.A., JOHNSTONE, A.M., GREATWOOD, H.C., DINEVA, M. and DOUGLAS, F. 2025. We go hunting...: understanding experiences of people living with obesity and food insecurity when shopping for food in the supermarket to meet their weight-related goals. Appetite [online], 205, article number 107794. Available from:

The high prevalence of food insecurity in the United Kingdom has been exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis. In high-income countries, those experiencing food insecurity struggle to buy and consume foods that meet Government healthy eating recomme... Read More about We go hunting...: understanding experiences of people living with obesity and food insecurity when shopping for food in the supermarket to meet their weight-related goals..

Understanding lived experiences of low-income UK parents and carers (of infants aged 0-6 months) management of infant feeding in the context of the current cost of living crisis: the DIO Food project. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HUNTER, E. and DOUGLAS, F. 2024. Understanding lived experiences of low-income UK parents and carers (of infants aged 0-6 months) management of infant feeding in the context of the current cost of living crisis: the DIO Food project. Presented at the 1st Nourishing Futures Network international conference (NFN 2024): poverty, inequality and food security in preconception and the first 2001 days, 22 October 2024, Newcastle, UK.

Maternal and infant food insecurity is poorly characterised and understood. UK food charities report increased demand for help from families with young infants. This is concerning when considering nutritional requirements during pregnancy and breastf... Read More about Understanding lived experiences of low-income UK parents and carers (of infants aged 0-6 months) management of infant feeding in the context of the current cost of living crisis: the DIO Food project..

Supermarket nutritionists' perspectives, views and experiences on affordability interventions to support healthier and more environmentally sustainable food purchasing in UK retail settings. [Preprint] (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
STONE, R.A., BROWN, A., DOUGLAS, F., GREATWOOD, H., GRIFFITHS, C., HUNTER, E., JOHNSTONE, A.M., LONNIE, M., MORRIS, M.A., SKEGGS, H. and HARDMAN, C.A. 2024. Supermarket nutritionists' perspectives, views and experiences on affordability interventions to support healthier and more environmentally sustainable food purchasing in UK retail settings. [Preprint]. Hosted on OSF Preprints [online]. Available from:

Food insecurity (lack of reliable access to affordable and nutritious food) is a major concern in high-income countries because it increases the risk of poor nutrition, obesity and associated adverse health outcomes. Healthier diets are often also mo... Read More about Supermarket nutritionists' perspectives, views and experiences on affordability interventions to support healthier and more environmentally sustainable food purchasing in UK retail settings. [Preprint].

Diet and health inequalities: connecting with vulnerable groups to address food insecurity: the DIO Food project. (2024)
Journal Article
CRABTREE, D.R., HUNTER, E., JENNESON, V., FILDES, A., KININMONTH, A., PONTIN, F., ENNIS, E., LONNIE, M., SKEGGS, H., MCHUGH, L., MORRIS, M.A., DOUGLAS, F. and JOHNSTONE, A.M., on behalf of the DIO Food team. [2024]. Diet and health inequalities: connecting with vulnerable groups to address food insecurity: the DIO Food project. Nutrition bulletin [online], Early View. Available from:

The current cost-of-living crisis is disproportionately affecting families experiencing poverty and is likely to be amplifying existing dietary inequalities and challenges, such as food insecurity (FI). Government policies designed to address diet in... Read More about Diet and health inequalities: connecting with vulnerable groups to address food insecurity: the DIO Food project..

Understanding lived experiences of navigating supermarket foodscapes of people living with obesity on a low income: the Food insecurity in people living with obesity (FIO) food project. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, F. and HUNTER, E., on behalf of the FIO Food Team. 2024. Understanding lived experiences of navigating supermarket foodscapes of people living with obesity on a low income: the Food insecurity in people living with obesity (FIO) food project. Presented at 2024 Scottish public health conference: inspiring change, 1 May 2024, Glasgow, UK.

Approximately 8 million adults and 3 million children in the UK are experiencing food insecurity in 2024. In the UK, healthier foods are three times more expensive per calorie than unhealthy foods. This limits dietary choices to a low-price, high-ene... Read More about Understanding lived experiences of navigating supermarket foodscapes of people living with obesity on a low income: the Food insecurity in people living with obesity (FIO) food project..

The impact of the cost of living crisis and food insecurity on food purchasing behaviours and food preparation practices in people living with obesity. (2024)
Journal Article
STONE, R.A., BROWN, A., DOUGLAS, F., GREEN, M.A., HUNTER, E., LONNIE, M., JOHNSTONE, A.M. and HARDMAN, C., on behalf of the FIO-Food Team. 2024. The impact of the cost of living crisis and food insecurity on food purchasing behaviours and food preparation practices in people living with obesity. Appetite [online], 196, article number 107255. Available from:

Lower income households are at greater risk of food insecurity and poor diet quality than higher income households. In high-income countries, food insecurity is associated with high levels of obesity, and in the UK specifically, the cost of living cr... Read More about The impact of the cost of living crisis and food insecurity on food purchasing behaviours and food preparation practices in people living with obesity..

Diet and health inequalities (DIO) food project: feeding intentions and practices of parents and carers of infants (0-6 months) living on a low income in the UK. [Protocol] (2023)
HUNTER, E., DOUGLAS, F. and JOHNSTONE, A. 2023. Diet and health inequalities (DIO) food project: Feeding intentions and practices of parents and carers of infants (0-6 months) living on a low income in the UK. [Protocol]. Hosted on OSF [online]. Available from:

The aim of this qualitative research study is to capture parents' and carers' lived experiences and perceptions of the relationship between the current food system and other influences impacting infant feeding practice, associated with the current co... Read More about Diet and health inequalities (DIO) food project: feeding intentions and practices of parents and carers of infants (0-6 months) living on a low income in the UK. [Protocol].

Understanding lived experiences of navigating supermarket foodscapes when living on a low income. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DOUGLAS, F. and HUNTER, E. 2023. Understanding lived experiences of navigating supermarket foodscapes when living on a low income. Presented at the 8th United Kingdom congress on obesity (UKCO 2023), 14-15 September 2023, Belfast, UK.

Despite being a public health priority for over 30 years, the prevalence of obesity in the UK remains high. Strategies to tackle obesity have typically focused on behaviour change at the individual level, ignoring wider health and social inequities t... Read More about Understanding lived experiences of navigating supermarket foodscapes when living on a low income..

Food insecurity in people living with obesity: improving sustainable and healthier food choices in the retail food environment: the FIO Food project. (2023)
Journal Article
LONNIE, M., HUNTER, E., STONE, R.A., DINEVA, M., AGGREH, M., GREATWOOD, H., JOHNSTONE, A.M. and the FIO Food Team. 2023. Food insecurity in people living with obesity: improving sustainable and healthier food choices in the retail food environment: the FIO Food project. Nutrition bulletin [online], 48(3), pages 390-399. Available from:

At both UK and global level, dietary consumption patterns need to change to address environmental, health and inequality challenges. Despite considerable policy interventions, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United Kingdom has continu... Read More about Food insecurity in people living with obesity: improving sustainable and healthier food choices in the retail food environment: the FIO Food project..

The effectiveness of weight‐loss lifestyle interventions for improving fertility in women and men with overweight or obesity and infertility: a systematic review update of evidence from randomized controlled trials. (2021)
Journal Article
HUNTER, E., AVENELL, A., MAHESHWARI, A., STADLER, G. and BEST, D. 2021. The effectiveness of weight-loss lifestyle interventions for improving fertility in women and men with overweight or obesity and infertility: a systematic review update of evidence from randomized controlled trials. Obesity reviews [online], 22(12), article e13325. Available from:

Being overweight or obese can have a negative impact on fertility outcomes. This systematic review updates randomized controlled trial (RCT) findings on the effectiveness of weight loss interventions in reducing weight and improving reproductive outc... Read More about The effectiveness of weight‐loss lifestyle interventions for improving fertility in women and men with overweight or obesity and infertility: a systematic review update of evidence from randomized controlled trials..

The effectiveness of weight-loss lifestyle interventions for improving fertility in women and men with overweight or obesity and infertility: a systematic review update of evidence from randomized controlled trials. [Dataset] (2021)
HUNTER, E., AVENELL, A., MAHESHWARI, A., STADLER, G. and BEST, D. 2021. The effectiveness of weight-loss lifestyle interventions for improving fertility in women and men with overweight or obesity and infertility: a systematic review update of evidence from randomized controlled trials. [Dataset]. Obesity reviews [online], 22(12), article e13325. Available from:

Being overweight or obese can have a negative impact on fertility outcomes. This systematic review updates randomized controlled trial (RCT) findings on the effectiveness of weight loss interventions in reducing weight and improving reproductive outc... Read More about The effectiveness of weight-loss lifestyle interventions for improving fertility in women and men with overweight or obesity and infertility: a systematic review update of evidence from randomized controlled trials. [Dataset].