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All Outputs (27)

Shaping the contemporary: Macedonian video art since 1984. [Exhibition] (2024)
Exhibition / Performance
Shaping the contemporary: Macedonian video art since 1984. [Exhibition]. Exhibited 15 February - 29 March 2024, [online exhibition]. Hosted on RE_EXHIBIT [online], RE_EXHIBIT 3. Available from:

This exhibition focuses on the development, discussion and production of moving image and video art in North Macedonia, since the late Yugoslav period. Many of these videos are being shown for the first time in many years and are little known to audi... Read More about Shaping the contemporary: Macedonian video art since 1984. [Exhibition].

Is artists' exploitation inevitable or is it just a question of identifying effective, enduring, preventative frameworks? (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BLACKWOOD, J., JONES, S., BUTLER, D., CALLAGHAN, B., POULTER, S., SEERS, L. and WRIGHT, J. (eds.) 2023. Is artists’ exploitation inevitable or is it just a question of identifying effective, enduring, preventative frameworks? Proceedings of the 2023 Aberdeen mini summit, 16 June 2023, Aberdeen, UK. Wakefield: Axis [online]. Available from:

Is artists' exploitation inevitable or is it just a question of identifying effective, enduring, preventative frameworks? Developed by independent arts researcher Dr Susan Jones and organised collaboratively with Dr Jon Blackwood, Gray's School of Ar... Read More about Is artists' exploitation inevitable or is it just a question of identifying effective, enduring, preventative frameworks?.

Aphorisms on art and activism. (2023)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2023. Aphorisms on art and activism. In DeLappe, J. and Leuzzi, L. (eds.) Incite: digital art and activism. Aberdeen: peacock and the worm, chapter 1100, pages 45-48.

This chapter - a compilation of aphorisms - forms Jon Blackwood's contribution to the collaborative artists' book, "INCITE: Digital Art and Activism", edited by Joseph DeLappe and Laura Leuzzi. The book sought to collate responses from artists, schol... Read More about Aphorisms on art and activism..

Digital art and activism: performance, protest, polities, technologies. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DELAPPE, J., LEUZZI, L, BLACKWOOD, J., ZEĆO, M. and ZEILINGER, M. 2023. Digital art and activism: performance, protest, polities, technologies. Presented at the 28th International symposium on electronic art (ISEA2023): symbiosis, 16-21 May 2023, Paris, France. Hosted on YouTube [online]. Available from:

This panel, chaired by Laura Leuzzi, addresses diverse themes and approaches towards engaging emerging technologies in the context of digital art and activism encompassing notions of socially engaged art and art as social practice from practice-based... Read More about Digital art and activism: performance, protest, polities, technologies..

Art-activism and digital resistance: the case of Belarus. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
BLACKWOOD, J. 2023. Art-activism and digital resistance: the case of Belarus. [Video]. Presented at the 28th International symposium on electronic art (ISEA2023), 16-21 May 2023, Paris, France.

This paper was presented as part of a panel at ISEA2023 in Paris, on "Art, Technology and Social Change: Perspectives from The Digital Art and Activism Network", chaired by Professor Joseph de Lappe (University of Abertay) and Dr Laura Leuzzi (Sapien... Read More about Art-activism and digital resistance: the case of Belarus..

Aberdeen open city. [Exhibition] (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
Aberdeen open city. [Exhibition]. Exhibition held on 3-19 March 2023, Aberdeen.

Aberdeen Open City is an exhibition which aims to showcase the range of contemporary art practices shaped by, or located in, the city and identifies loose overlaps and problematics that each of these addresses. The trio of trials that have warped the... Read More about Aberdeen open city. [Exhibition].

Demarco and Yugoslavia in the 1970s. (2022)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2022. Demarco and Yugoslavia in the 1970s. In Leuzzi, L., Partridge, S. and Shemilt, E. (eds.) Richard Demarco: the Italian connection. Barnet: John Libbey, chapter 7, pages 105-113.

During the Cold War period, relations between the UK and Yugoslavia were couched entirely in the frames of politics, economics or military history; in the later years of socialist Yugoslavia, from the later seventies onwards, links were also develope... Read More about Demarco and Yugoslavia in the 1970s..

Transformational fieldwork, or, How might a sustainable cultural provision in the rural/small town context be framed? (2022)
ZEISKE, C.F. 2022. Transformational fieldwork, or, How might a sustainable cultural provision in the rural/small town context be framed? Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

While a lot has been written in the past two decades about the impact of participatory arts on people in urban places, my practice-based research aims to fill the gap in relation to the rural context - often places with little traditional arts provis... Read More about Transformational fieldwork, or, How might a sustainable cultural provision in the rural/small town context be framed?.

Nothing's guaranteed: exhibition of Bosno-futurism. [Exhibition] (2022)
Exhibition / Performance
Nothing's guaranteed: exhibition of Bosno-futurism. [Exhibition]. Exhibited 29 July - 25 September 2022, Summerhall, Edinburgh.

This exhibition presents a parallel exploration of the intersection between imagination and technology, and explores the rich aesthetic of Afrofuturism through the work of six contemporary mixed-media artists; Igor Bošnjak, Mladen Bundalo, Lana Čmajč... Read More about Nothing's guaranteed: exhibition of Bosno-futurism. [Exhibition].

Overcoming art. (2021)
BLACKWOOD, J., SAMANDOVA, I., VITANOVSKA, A. and IVANOV, B. 2021. Overcoming art. Skopje: Mala Galerija. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The origins of this project are in the pre-COVID world. It grew in part out of a desire to map and understand visual culture beyond Skopje; the conflation of contemporary art in North Macedonia with contemporary art in Skopje has been something of a... Read More about Overcoming art..

Dislocations. [Exhibition] (2021)
Exhibition / Performance
Dislocations. [Exhibition]. Online exhibition held 21 June - 16 July 2021, Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities, Glasgow.

This exhibition is an online video art show selected for the summer school of the Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities. It features work by Elena Chemerska, Ivana Mirchevska, Ahmet Ögut, Mila Panić, Stella Rooney, Olia Sosnovskaya and... Read More about Dislocations. [Exhibition].

Intersections in the art of Elsa James. (2021)
BLACKWOOD, J. 2021. Intersections in the art of Elsa James. Colchester: Firstsite. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

In an era where nuance is prized least of all, for it does not translate well in 140 characters, something of a push back is being experienced in Essex. This is a place whose stereotypical portrayals are not a local, but a global joke. TV shows such... Read More about Intersections in the art of Elsa James..

An alloy made from art and activism, in North Macedonia. (2020)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2020. An alloy made from art and activism, in North Macedonia. In Steinbock, E., Leven, B. and de Valck, M. (eds.) Art and activism in the age of systemic crisis: aesthetic resilience. Abingdon: Routledge [online], chapter 7, pages 92-103. Available from:

This chapter traces the development of an “alloy” of artist and activist strategies in the context of North Macedonia, during Nikola Gruevski’s right-wing conservative government (2006-16) and its turbulent overthrow; the chapter concludes by assessi... Read More about An alloy made from art and activism, in North Macedonia..

Notes on a periphery. (2019)
Exhibition / Performance
Notes on a periphery. Exhibition held 4-18 October 2019, Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen.

An exhibition of recent photography and video work by four artists: Anne Campbell, Sapphire Goss, Lottie Davies and Eugene Schlumberger. Whilst peripheral regions have loomed large in traditional histories of art made in the British group of nations,... Read More about Notes on a periphery..

On women's video art in the context of Yugoslavia, 1969-1991. (2019)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2019. On women's video art in the context of Yugoslavia, 1969-1991. In Leuzzi, L., Shemilt, E. and Partridge, S. (eds.) EWVA: European women's video art in the 70s and 80s. East Barnet: John Libbey Publishing.

Written from our vantage point, the categories of ‘Yugoslavia’ and ‘video art’ are historical. Having grown up in the 1980s with video art as the most contemporary of the new art practices, and with Yugoslavia seemingly a permanent fixture on the map... Read More about On women's video art in the context of Yugoslavia, 1969-1991..

In between states. [Exhibition] (2019)
Exhibition / Performance
In between states. Exhibition held on 6 June - 6 July 2019, The W OR M, 2019 Look Again Festival, Aberdeen.

An exhibition of contemporary artists, three from North Macedonia, Ana Jovanovska, Ana Lazarenvsk and Ivana Sidzimovska and two from Scotland, Jack Handscome and Izzy Thomson and curated by Jon Blackwood. The exhibition took place in Peacock Visual A... Read More about In between states. [Exhibition].

Duplex 100m2 and contemporary art in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2004-2018. (2019)
BLACKWOOD, J. (ed.) 2019. Duplex 100m2 and contemporary art in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2004-2018. Sarajevo: Editions Riveneuve.

This book is a history of contemporary art in Bosnia-Herzegovina, through exhibitions from 2004 - 2018 in three galleries, Galerija 10m2, Duplex 10m2 and Duplex 100m2.

On utopian realism: the art of Mladen Miljanović. (2019)
Exhibition / Performance
BLACKWOOD, J. 2019. On utopian realism: the art of Mladen Miljanović. Essay produced to accompany the exhibition: 'Mladen Miljanović: Utopian Realism', 8 February - 14 March 2019, Peacock Visual Arts [online], Aberdeen. Available from:

This essay accompanies the first solo exhibition in Scotland by Mladen Miljanovic, a post-conceptual video and performance artist based in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The exhibition can be read, in one way, as a mini-retrospective; starting w... Read More about On utopian realism: the art of Mladen Miljanović..

Censoring contemporary art in Macedonia. (2018)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2018. Censoring contemporary art in Macedonia. In Kennedy, R. and Coulter, R. (eds.) Censorship art: silencing the artwork. London: IB Tauris [online], chapter 8. Available from:

In this essay, we will consider how censorship affects discourses of contemporary art in the Republic of Macedonia. To do so, we must first outline the cultural, political and social contexts in Macedonia; consider some differing standpoints on what... Read More about Censoring contemporary art in Macedonia..

In the shadow of Alexander the Great: censorship, ideology and contemporary art in Macedonia. (2018)
Book Chapter
BLACKWOOD, J. 2018. In the shadow of Alexander the Great: censorship, ideology and contemporary art in Macedonia. In Kennedy, R. and Coulter, R. (eds.) Censoring art: silencing the artwork. London: I.B. Tauris [online], pages 137-155. Available from:

In this chapter the author discusses how censorship affects discourses of contemporary art in the Republic of Macedonia. The cultural, political and social contexts in Macedonia are outlined and differing standpoints on what constitutes contemporary... Read More about In the shadow of Alexander the Great: censorship, ideology and contemporary art in Macedonia..