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All Outputs (133)

Defect detection and condition assessment of adhesively-bonded joints using acoustic emission techniques. (2021)
CRAWFORD, A.R. 2021. Defect detection and condition assessment of adhesively-bonded joints using acoustic emission techniques. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

The aim of this study is to investigate the application of acoustic emission (AE) techniques to the defect detection and monitoring of adhesively-bonded joints. Pencil Lead Breaks (PLBs) have been used as a simulated AE source to experimentally inves... Read More about Defect detection and condition assessment of adhesively-bonded joints using acoustic emission techniques..

A critical review on coupled geomechanics and fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs. (2021)
Journal Article
HAWEZ, H.K., SANAEE, R. and FAISAL, N.H. 2021. A critical review on coupled geomechanics and fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs. Journal of natural gas science and engineering [online], 95, article 104150. Available from:

Naturally fractured reservoirs have been a source of challenging issues with regard to field development, well stability, drilling, and enhanced oil recovery, as a connected fracture system can totally dominate the flow patterns. Because of the high... Read More about A critical review on coupled geomechanics and fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs..

The impact of thermal ageing on sealing performance of HNBR packing elements in downhole installations in oilfield wellhead applications. (2021)
Journal Article
HASSANI, F., FAISAL, N.H., NISH, R., ROTHNIE, S. and NJUGUNA, J. 2022. The impact of thermal ageing on sealing performance of HNBR packing elements in downhole installations in oilfield wellhead applications. Journal of petroleum science and engineering [online], 208(part B), article 109200. Available from:

Hydrogenated nitrile butyl rubber (HNBR) elastomers are highly resistant to chemicals and degradation, and they are good candidates to be adopted in aggressive environmental conditions of high temperature and pressure. As these service parameters are... Read More about The impact of thermal ageing on sealing performance of HNBR packing elements in downhole installations in oilfield wellhead applications..

Large scale manufacturing route to metamaterial coatings using thermal spray techniques and their response to solar radiation. [Dataset] (2021)
FAISAL, N.H., SELLAMI, N., VENTURI, F., HUSSAIN, T., MALLICK, T., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., BISHOP, A., UPADHYAYA, H., KATIYAR, N.K. and GOEL, S. 2021. Large scale manufacturing route to metamaterial coatings using thermal spray techniques and their response to solar radiation. [Dataset]. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Metamaterials, an artificial periodic two- or three-dimensional configuration can change propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves (i.e., reflection, transmission, absorption). The current challenges in the field of metamaterial coatings a... Read More about Large scale manufacturing route to metamaterial coatings using thermal spray techniques and their response to solar radiation. [Dataset].

Large scale manufacturing route to metamaterial coatings using thermal spray techniques and their response to solar radiation. (2021)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., SELLAMI, N., VENTURI, F., HUSSAIN, T., MALLICK, T., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., BISHOP, A., UPADHYAYA, H., KATIYAR, N.K. and GOEL, S. 2021. Large scale manufacturing route to metamaterial coatings using thermal spray techniques and their response to solar radiation. Emergent materials [online], 4(6), pages 1619-1633. Available from:

Metamaterials, an artificial periodic two- or three-dimensional configuration can change propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves (i.e., reflection, transmission, absorption). The current challenges in the field of metamaterial coatings a... Read More about Large scale manufacturing route to metamaterial coatings using thermal spray techniques and their response to solar radiation..

Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn. (2021)
Journal Article
FAISAL, N.H., FOWLIE, A., CONNELL, J., MACKENZIE, S., NOBLE, R. and PRATHURU, A.K. 2022. Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn. Journal of strain analysis for engineering design [online], 57(5), pages 377-391. Available from:

Helical Auxetic Yarns (HAYs) can be used in a variety of applications, from healthcare to blast and impact resistance. This work focuses on the effect of the use of different core materials (e.g. rubber, polyurethane, polytetrafluoroethylene/teflon,... Read More about Investigating the influence of the core material on the mechanical performance of a nitinol wire wrapped helical auxetic yarn..

Indoor characterisation of a reverse truncated pyramid concentrator. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
TAMUNO-IBUOMI, L.O., MUHAMMAD-SUKKI, F., RAMIREZ-INIGUEZ, R., ARDILA-REY, J.A., ABU-BAKAR, S.H., BANI, N.A., SEE, C.H., FAISAL, N.H. and SELLAMI, N. 2021. Indoor characterisation of a reverse truncated pyramid concentrator. In Proceedings of 48th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Photovoltaic specialists conference 2021 (PVSC 2021), 20-25 June 2021, [virtual conference]. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 2348-2350. Available from:

The development of concentrating photovoltaic (PV) started in 1960s and over the years, a variety of concentrator designs have been explored. One of its applications is for use in building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) with the aim of producing a ch... Read More about Indoor characterisation of a reverse truncated pyramid concentrator..

Multiphase flow modelling in fractured reservoirs using a novel computational fluid dynamics approach. (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HAWEZ, H., SANAEE, R. and FAISAL, N.H. 2021. Multiphase flow modelling in fractured reservoirs using a novel computational fluid dynamics approach. Presented at the 55th US rock mechanics/geomechanics American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) symposium, 18-25 June 2021, [virtual conference].

Numerical modelling of multiphase flow in naturally fractured reservoirs is a challenging issue for petroleum reservoir engineers. As a result of high degree heterogeneity in flow characteristics in fractured reservoirs, several mathematical, discret... Read More about Multiphase flow modelling in fractured reservoirs using a novel computational fluid dynamics approach..

Measuring residual strain and stress in thermal spray coatings using neutron diffractometers. [Preprint] (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
FAISAL, N.H., AHMED, R., PRATHURU, A.K., PARADOWSKA, A. and LEE, T.L. 2021. Measuring residual strain and stress in thermal spray coatings using neutron diffractometers. Research square [online], 12 April 2021, Preprint (version 1). Available from:

During thermal spray coating, residual strain is formed within the coating and substrates due to thermo-mechanical processes and microstructural phase changes. This paper provides a comprehensive guide to researchers planning to use neutron diffracti... Read More about Measuring residual strain and stress in thermal spray coatings using neutron diffractometers. [Preprint].

Modeling aerosol cloud aerodynamics during human coughing, talking, and breathing actions. (2021)
Journal Article
HOSSAIN, M. and FAISAL, N.H. 2021. Modeling aerosol cloud aerodynamics during human coughing, talking, and breathing actions. AIP advances [online], 11(4), article 045111. Available from:

In this paper, we investigate the aerosol cloud flow physics during three respiratory actions by humans (such as coughing, talking, and breathing). With given variables (i.e., velocity, duration, particle size and number of particles, and ambient con... Read More about Modeling aerosol cloud aerodynamics during human coughing, talking, and breathing actions..

Experimental investigation of the effect of temperature on two-phase oil-water relative permeability. [Dataset] (2021)
BALOGUN, Y., IYI, D., OYENEYIN, B., FAISAL, N., OLUYEMI, G. and MAHON, R. 2021. Experimental investigation of the effect of injection temperature on two-phase oil-water relative permeability. [Dataset]. Journal of petroleum science and engineering [online], 203, article 108645. Available from:

This work investigates the effect of temperature on oil-water relative permeability using well-sorted unconsolidated silica sandpacks, by adopting the unsteady-state relative permeability method, and by applying numerical history matching technique.... Read More about Experimental investigation of the effect of temperature on two-phase oil-water relative permeability. [Dataset].

Experimental investigation of the effect of temperature on two-phase oil-water relative permeability. (2021)
Journal Article
BALOGUN, Y., IYI, D., FAISAL, N., OYENEYIN, B., OLUYEMI, G. and MAHON, R. 2021. Experimental investigation of the effect of temperature on two-phase oil-water relative permeability. Journal of petroleum science and engineering [online], 203, article ID 108645. Available from:

Relative permeability is affected by several flow parameters, mainly the operating temperature and fluid viscosity. Fluid viscosities change with temperature, which correspondingly affects the relative permeability. Temperature is believed to have a... Read More about Experimental investigation of the effect of temperature on two-phase oil-water relative permeability..

Numerical and experimental study of the impact of temperature on relative permeability in an oil and water system. (2021)
BALOGUN, Y. 2021. Numerical and experimental study of the impact of temperature on relative permeability in an oil and water system. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Relative permeability is affected by several flow parameters, predominantly operating temperature and fluid viscosity. Fluid viscosity changes with temperature, which correspondingly affects the relative permeability. Temperature is believed to have... Read More about Numerical and experimental study of the impact of temperature on relative permeability in an oil and water system..

Numerical modelling of the effect of wettability, interfacial tension and temperature on oil recovery at pore-scale level. (2021)
Journal Article
IYI, D., BALOGUN, Y., OYENEYIN, B. and FAISAL, N. 2021. Numerical modelling of the effect of wettability, interfacial tension and temperature on oil recovery at pore-scale level. Journal of petroleum science and engineering [online], 201, article ID 108453. Available from:

A numerical investigation into the effect of wettability and temperature on oil recovery with a hot water injection at different temperatures is reported in this paper. The computational domain is a two-dimensional porous medium (reservoir) maintaine... Read More about Numerical modelling of the effect of wettability, interfacial tension and temperature on oil recovery at pore-scale level..

Coupled reservoir geomechanics and multiphase flow in fractured porous media. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HAWEZ, H., SANAEE, R. and FAISAL, N. 2020. Coupled reservoir geomechanics and multiphase flow in fractured porous media. Presented at the 9th ETP (Energy Technology Partnership) annual conference 2020 (ETPAC20), 2-3 November 2020, [virtual conference].

As a result of a rapid pressure reduction and lack of understanding of hydromechanical behaviour at the fracture matrix interface, a considerable amount of hydrocarbon reserves will remain in place in fractured reservoirs. Therefore, rigid numerical... Read More about Coupled reservoir geomechanics and multiphase flow in fractured porous media..

Laser induced fractures in porous media. (2020)
MOSTAFA, A. 2020. Laser induced fractures in porous media. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis. Hosted on OpenAIR [online]. Available from:

Hydraulic fracturing is the most effective technique to enhance well productivity in the oil and gas industry. There are many logistical, operational and environmental concerns associated with existing techniques, including the potential risk of unde... Read More about Laser induced fractures in porous media..

Electroanalytical determination of gallic acid in red and white wine samples using cobalt oxide nanoparticles-modified carbon-paste electrodes. (2020)
Journal Article
CHIKERE, C.O., HOBBEN, E., FAISAL, N.H., KONG THOO LIN, P. and FERNANDEZ, C. 2021. Electroanalytical determination of gallic acid in red and white wine samples using cobalt oxide nanoparticles-modified carbon-paste electrodes. Microchemical journal [online], 160(part B), article ID 105668. Available from:

Beverages like wines, have exhibited a high level of antioxidant capacity, specifically from compounds like Gallic acid (GA) and their derivatives. GA has shown great importance in the food industry and pharmaceutical industry as a food additive, ant... Read More about Electroanalytical determination of gallic acid in red and white wine samples using cobalt oxide nanoparticles-modified carbon-paste electrodes..

Assessment of nanoparticle emission of polypropylene, polyester and epoxy nanocomposites during automated drilling process. (2020)
STAROST, K.J. 2020. Assessment of nanoparticle emission of polypropylene, polyester and epoxy nanocomposites during automated drilling process. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

Polymer nanocomposites are becoming established widely across the industry due to (among other reasons) their lightweight performance advantages, and ability to meticulously target material properties with great control and precision. Despite the ben... Read More about Assessment of nanoparticle emission of polypropylene, polyester and epoxy nanocomposites during automated drilling process..

Electrochemical determination of gallic acid in food matrices using novel materials. (2020)
CHIKERE, C.O. 2020. Electrochemical determination of gallic acid in food matrices using novel materials. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

Gallic acid (GA), as an endogenous polyphenol, has shown many different important properties that have influenced its use in the food and pharmaceutical industry. These properties include its antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, anti-HIV and anti-ul... Read More about Electrochemical determination of gallic acid in food matrices using novel materials..

Microwave irradiation synthesis and characterization of reduced-(graphene oxide-(polystyrene-polymethyl methacrylate))/silver nanoparticle nanocomposites and their anti-microbial activity. (2020)
Journal Article
ALDOASRI, M.A., ALSAUD, K.B.B., OTHMAN, A., AL-HINDAWI, M., FAISAL, N.H., AHMED, R., MICHAEL, F.M., KRISHNAN, M.R. and ALSHARAEH, E. 2020. Microwave irradiation synthesis and characterization of reduced-(graphene oxide-(polystyrene-polymethyl methacrylate))/silver nanoparticle nanocomposites and their anti-microbial activity. Polymers [online], 12(5), article ID 1155. Available from:

Herein, we report a facile process for the preparation of styrene and methyl-methacrylate copolymer nanocomposites containing reduced graphene oxide and silver nanoparticles ((R-(GO-(PS-PMMA))/AgNPs)) by using (i) microwave irradiation (MWI) to obtai... Read More about Microwave irradiation synthesis and characterization of reduced-(graphene oxide-(polystyrene-polymethyl methacrylate))/silver nanoparticle nanocomposites and their anti-microbial activity..