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Racing strategy for the dynamic-customer location-allocation problem. (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANKRAH, R., LACROIX, B., MCCALL, J., HARDWICK, A., CONWAY, A. and OWUSU, G. 2020. Racing strategy for the dynamic-customer location-allocation problem. In Proceedings of 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) congress on evolutionary computation (IEEE CEC 2020), part of the 2020 (IEEE) World congress on computational intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2020) and co-located with the 2020 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN 2020) and the 2020 IEEE International fuzzy systems conference (FUZZ-IEEE 2020), 19-24 July 2020, Glasgow, UK [virtual conference]. Piscataway: IEEE [online], article 9185918. Available from:

In previous work, we proposed and studied a new dynamic formulation of the Location-allocation (LA) problem called the Dynamic-Customer Location-allocation (DC-LA) probĀ­lem. DC-LA is based on the idea of changes in customer distribution over a define... Read More about Racing strategy for the dynamic-customer location-allocation problem..

Generation and optimisation of real-world static and dynamic location-allocation problems with application to the telecommunications industry. (2019)
ANKRAH, R.B. 2019. Generation and optimisation of real-world static and dynamic location-allocation problems with application to the telecommunications industry. Robert Gordon University [online], PhD thesis. Available from:

The location-allocation (LA) problem concerns the location of facilities and the allocation of demand, to minimise or maximise a particular function such as cost, profit or a measure of distance. Many formulations of LA problems have been presented i... Read More about Generation and optimisation of real-world static and dynamic location-allocation problems with application to the telecommunications industry..

Introducing the dynamic customer location-allocation problem. (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANKRAH, R., LACROIX, B., MCCALL, J., HARDWICK, A. and CONWAY, A. 2019. Introducing the dynamic customer location-allocation problem. In Proceedings of the 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Congress on evolutionary computation (IEEE CEC 2019), 10-13 June 2019, Wellington, NZ. Piscataway: IEEE [online], pages 3157-3164. Available from:

In this paper, we introduce a new stochastic Location-Allocation Problem which assumes the movement of customers over time. We call this new problem Dynamic Customer Location-Allocation Problem (DC-LAP). The problem is based on the idea that customer... Read More about Introducing the dynamic customer location-allocation problem..

A holistic metric approach to solving the dynamic location-allocation problem. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANKRAH, R., LACROIX, B., MCCALL, J., HARDWICK, A. and CONWAY, A. 2018. A holistic metric approach to solving the dynamic location-allocation problem. In Bramer, M. and Petridis, M. (eds.) Artificial intelligence xxxv: proceedings of the 38th British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) International conference on innovative techniques and applications of artificial intelligence (AI-2018), 11-13 December 2018, Cambridge, UK. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 11311. Cham: Springer [online], pages 433-439. Available from:

In this paper, we introduce a dynamic variant of the Location-Allocation problem: Dynamic Location-Allocation Problem (DULAP). DULAP involves the location of facilities to service a set of customer demands over a defined horizon. To evaluate a soluti... Read More about A holistic metric approach to solving the dynamic location-allocation problem..

Performance analysis of GA and PBIL variants for real-world location-allocation problems. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ANKRAH, R., REGNIER-COUDERT, O., MCCALL, J., CONWAY, A. and HARDWICK, A. 2018. Performance analysis of GA and PBIL variants for real-world location-allocation problems. In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC 2018), 8-13 July 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE [online], article number 8477727. Available from:

The Uncapacitated Location-Allocation problem (ULAP) is a major optimisation problem concerning the determination of the optimal location of facilities and the allocation of demand to them. In this paper, we present two novel problem variants of Non-... Read More about Performance analysis of GA and PBIL variants for real-world location-allocation problems..