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All Outputs (31)

Residence and contact conditions. (2019)
HENDERSON, G., ROGON, P., KURLUS, I. et al. 2019. Residence and contact conditions. Home compulsory supervision orders: effectiveness of decision making and outcomes, Report 1. Stirling: SCRA [online]. Available from:

This is the first in a series of research reports on the effectiveness of Compulsory Supervision Orders where the child remains at home with their parent(s) (home CSOs). Home CSOs are the most common type of CSO made by Children’s Hearings, accountin... Read More about Residence and contact conditions..

Changes in out of home care and permanence planning among young children in Scotland, 2003 to 2017. (2018)
Journal Article
WOODS, R. and HENDERSON, G. 2018. Changes in out of home care and permanence planning among young children in Scotland, 2003 to 2017. Adoption and fostering [online], 42(3), pages 282-294. Available from:

UK policy has increasingly promoted early intervention and permanence planning for children who experience, or are at risk of experiencing, abuse or neglect, raising the question of whether these practices have actually increased 'on the ground.' The... Read More about Changes in out of home care and permanence planning among young children in Scotland, 2003 to 2017..

Moral (dis)engagement with anthropogenic climate change in online comments on newspaper articles. (2018)
Journal Article
WOODS, R., COEN, S. and FERNANDEZ, A. 2018. Moral (dis)engagement with anthropogenic climate change in online comments on newspaper articles. Journal of community and applied social psychology [online], 28(4), pages 244-257. Available from:

Anthropogenic climate change (ACC) is widely acknowledged to be morally significant, but little is known about everyday moralising around ACC. We addressed this gap via quantified thematic analysis of 300 online comments to British newspaper articles... Read More about Moral (dis)engagement with anthropogenic climate change in online comments on newspaper articles..

Complexity in the lives of looked after children and their families in Scotland: 2003 to 2016 (2018)
WOOD, R., HENDERSON, G., KURLUS, I., PROUDFOOT, P., HOBBS, N. and LAMB, D. 2018. Complexity in the lives of looked after children and their families in Scotland: 2003 to 2016. Research report. Stirling: SCRA [online]. Available from:

This research sought to answer the question: Has child protection in Scotland become more complex over time, and if so, how? To do this we examined changes in complexity in: 1) Society. 2) The Children’s Hearings System and associated legislation and... Read More about Complexity in the lives of looked after children and their families in Scotland: 2003 to 2016.

Children's use of multiple categorisations in practice in a multicultural setting. (2017)
Journal Article
WOODS, R. 2018. Children's use of multiple categorisations in practice in a multicultural setting. Children and society, [online], 32(5), pages 357-367. Available from:

Little is known about whether and how children combine categories of race, ethnicity, language and religion in multicultural settings where more than one of these dimensions is salient. Ethnographic data from a multicultural London primary school fou... Read More about Children's use of multiple categorisations in practice in a multicultural setting..

Sibling birth order, use of statutory measures and patterns of placement for children in public care: implications for international child protection systems and research. (2017)
Journal Article
HENDERSON, G., JONES, C. and WOODS, R. 2017. Sibling birth order, use of statutory measures and patterns of placement for children in public care: implications for international child protection systems and research. Children and youth services review [online], 82, pages 321-328. Available from:

Public care of abused and neglected children is one important element of statutory intervention which aims to address the major global challenge of protecting children from abuse and neglect. Where a child is part of a sibling group, this introduces... Read More about Sibling birth order, use of statutory measures and patterns of placement for children in public care: implications for international child protection systems and research..

An exploration of ethnic minority communities' understanding and awareness of child protection and the Children's Hearings system in Scotland. (2017)
HENDERSON, G., WOODS, R. and KURLUS, I. 2017. An exploration of ethnic minority communities' understanding and awareness of child protection and the Children's Hearings system in Scotland. Research report. Stirling: SCRA [online]. Available from:

Protection of children at risk of abuse and promotion of their rights continues to be at the forefront of policy and legislative developments in Scotland. Organisations such as the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) have both legal an... Read More about An exploration of ethnic minority communities' understanding and awareness of child protection and the Children's Hearings system in Scotland..

The development of non-essentialist concepts of ethnicity among children in a multicultural London community. (2017)
Journal Article
WOODS, R. 2017. The development of non-essentialist concepts of ethnicity among children in a multicultural London community. British journal of development psychology [online], 35(4), pages 546-567. Available from:

Ethnic constancy, the belief that a person cannot change ethnicity, is an important component of ethnic essentialism, the conviction that members of ethnic groups share an immutable underlying essence. Most children in previous research viewed ethnic... Read More about The development of non-essentialist concepts of ethnicity among children in a multicultural London community..

A comparison of car driving, public transport and cycling experiences in three European cities. (2017)
Journal Article
WOODS, R. and MASTHOFF, J. 2017. A comparison of car driving, public transport and cycling experiences in three European cities. Transportation research, part A: policy and practice [online], 103, pages 211-222. Available from:

Private car use in large cities causes congestion and pollution, and should be reduced. Previous research has shown that private cars are preferred over public transport, but it is not known whether that preference holds in large cities that attenuat... Read More about A comparison of car driving, public transport and cycling experiences in three European cities..

The use of religious metaphors by UK newspapers to describe and denigrate climate change. (2010)
Journal Article
WOODS, R., FERNÁNDEZ, A. and COEN, S. 2012. The use of religious metaphors by UK newspapers to describe and denigrate climate change. Public understanding of science [online], 21(3), pages 323-339. Available from:

British newspapers have denigrated anthropogenic climate change by misrepresenting scientific consensus and/or framing climate change within unsympathetic discourses. One aspect of the latter that has not been studied is the use of metaphor to dispar... Read More about The use of religious metaphors by UK newspapers to describe and denigrate climate change..

A critique of the concept of accuracy in social information processing models of children’s peer relations. (2010)
Journal Article
WOODS, R. 2010. A critique of the concept of accuracy in social information processing models of children’s peer relations. Theory and psychology [online], 20(1), pages 5-27. Available from:

According to Kenneth Dodge’s social information processing model, children who behave aggressively do so because they interpret others’ behaviour, and evaluate aggressive acts, inaccurately. The concept of accuracy is inappropriate here because membe... Read More about A critique of the concept of accuracy in social information processing models of children’s peer relations..