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All Outputs (43)

User perceptions of relevance and its effect on retrieval in a smart textile archive. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HORSBURGH, B., CRAW, S., WILLIAMS, D., BURNETT, S., MORRISON, K. and MARTIN, S. 2013. User perceptions of relevance and its effect on retrieval in a smart textile archive. In Delany, S.J. and Ontañón, S. (eds.) Case-based reasoning research and development: proceedings of the 21st International conference on case-based reasoning (ICCBR 2013), 8-11 July 2013, Saratoga Springs, USA. Lecture notes in computer science, 7969. Berlin: Springer [online], pages 149-163. Available from:

The digitisation of physical textiles archives is an important process for the Scottish textiles industry. This transformation creates an easy access point to a wide breadth of knowledge, which can be used to understand historical context and inspire... Read More about User perceptions of relevance and its effect on retrieval in a smart textile archive..

Cold-start music recommendation using a hybrid representation. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HORSBURGH, B., CRAW, S. and MASSIE, S. 2012. Cold-start music recommendation using a hybrid representation. Presented at the 3rd Annual digital economy 'all hands' conference (Digital Futures 2012), 23-25 October 2012, Aberdeen, UK.

Digital music systems are a new and exciting way to dis- cover, share, and listen to new music. Their success is so great, that digital downloads are now included alongside tra- ditional record sales in many o cial music charts [10]. In the past list... Read More about Cold-start music recommendation using a hybrid representation..

Music-inspired texture representation. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HORSBURGH, B., CRAW, S. and MASSIE, S. 2012. Music-inspired texture representation. In Proceedings of the 26th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence conference on artificial intelligence (AAAI-12), co-located with the 2012 Symposium on educational advances in artificial intelligence (EAAI-12), 22-26 July 2012, Toronto, Canada. Palo Alto: AAAI Press [online], pages 52-58. Available from:

Techniques for music recommendation are increasingly relying on hybrid representations to retrieve new and exciting music. A key component of these representations is musical content, with texture being the most widely used feature. Current technique... Read More about Music-inspired texture representation..

Finding the hidden gems: recommending untagged music. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
HORSBURGH, B., CRAW, S., MASSIE, S. and BOSWELL, R. 2011. Finding the hidden gems: recommending untagged music. In Proceedings of the 22nd International joint conference on artificial intelligence (IJCAI-11), 16-22 July 2011, Barcelona, Spain. Palo Alto: AAAI Press [online], pages 2256-2261. Available from:

We have developed a novel hybrid representation for Music Information Retrieval. Our representation is built by incorporating audio content into the tag space in a tag-track matrix, and then learning hybrid concepts using latent semantic analysis. We... Read More about Finding the hidden gems: recommending untagged music..

Plan recommendation for well engineering. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
THOMSON, R., MASSIE, S., CRAW, S., AHRIZ, H. and MILLS, I. 2011. Plan recommendation for well engineering. In Mehrotra, K.G., Mohan, C.K., Oh, J.C., Varshney, P.K. and Ali, M. (eds.) Modern approaches in applied intelligence: proceedings of the 24th International conference on industrial, engineering and other applications of applied intelligent systems (IEA/AIE 2011), 28 June - 1 July 2011, Syracuse, USA. Lecture notes in computer science, 6704. Berlin: Springer [online], part II, pages 436-445. Available from:

Good project planning provides the basis for successful offshore well drilling projects. In this domain, planning occurs in two phases: an onshore phase develops a project plan; and an offshore phase implements the plan and tracks progress. The Perfo... Read More about Plan recommendation for well engineering..

A knowledge acquisition tool to assist case authoring from texts. (2009)
ASIIMWE, S.M. 2009. A knowledge acquisition tool to assist case authoring from texts. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a technique in Artificial Intelligence where a new problem is solved by making use of the solution to a similar past problem situation. People naturally solve problems in this way, without even thinking about it. For exa... Read More about A knowledge acquisition tool to assist case authoring from texts..

Automatically acquiring structured case representations: the SMART way. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ASIIMWE, S., CRAW, S., WIRATUNGA, N. and TAYLOR, B. 2008. Automatically acquiring structured case representations: the SMART way. In Ellis, R., Allen, T. and Petridis, M. (eds.) Applications and innovations in intelligent systems XV: application proceedings of the 27th Annual international conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI) (AI-2007): innovative techniques and applications of artificial intelligence, 10-12 December 2007, Cambridge, UK. London: Springer [online], pages 45-58. Available from:

Acquiring case representations from textual sources remains an interesting challenge for CBR research. Approaches based on methods in information retrieval require large amounts of data and typically result in knowledge-poor representations. The cost... Read More about Automatically acquiring structured case representations: the SMART way..

Complexity modelling for case knowledge maintenance in case-based reasoning. (2006)
MASSIE. S. 2006. Complexity modelling for case knowledge maintenance in case-based reasoning. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Case-based reasoning solves new problems by re-using the solutions of previously solved similar problems and is popular because many of the knowledge engineering demands of conventional knowledge-based systems are removed. The content of the case kno... Read More about Complexity modelling for case knowledge maintenance in case-based reasoning..

Learning adaptation knowledge to improve case-based reasoning. (2006)
Journal Article
CRAW, S., WIRATUNGA, N. and ROWE, R. 2006. Learning adaptation knowledge to improve case-based reasoning. Artificial intelligence, 170(16-17), pages 1175-1192. Available from:

Case-Based Reasoning systems retrieve and reuse solutions for previously solved problems that have been encountered and remembered as cases. In some domains, particularly where the problem solving is a classification task, the retrieved solution can... Read More about Learning adaptation knowledge to improve case-based reasoning..

Design, innovation and case-based reasoning. (2005)
Journal Article
GOEL, A. and CRAW, S. 2005. Design, innovation and case-based reasoning. Knowledge engineering review [online], 20(3), pages 271-276. Available from:

The design task is especially appropriate for applying, integrating, exploring and pushing the boundaries of case-based reasoning. In this paper, we briefly review the challenges that design poses for case-based reasoning and survey research on case-... Read More about Design, innovation and case-based reasoning..

Retrieval, reuse, revision and retention in case-based reasoning. (2005)
Journal Article
DE MANTARAS, R.L., MCSHERRY, D., BRIDGE, D., LEAKE, D., SMYTH, B., CRAW, S., FALTINGS, B., MAHER, M.L., COX, M.T., FORBUS, K., KEANE, M., AAMODT, A. and WATSON, I. 2005. Retrieval, reuse, revision and retention in case-based reasoning. Knowledge engineering review [online], 20(3), pages 215-240. Available from:

Case-based reasoning (CBR) is an approach to problem solving that emphasizes the role of prior experience during future problem solving (i.e., new problems are solved by reusing and if necessary adapting the solutions to similar problems that were so... Read More about Retrieval, reuse, revision and retention in case-based reasoning..

Case-based reasoning for matching SMARTHOUSE technology to people's needs. (2004)
Journal Article
WIRATUNGA, N., CRAW, TAYLOR, B. and DAVIS, G. 2004. Case-based reasoning for matching SMARTHOUSE technology to people's needs. Knowledge-based systems [online], 17 (2-4), pages 139-146. Available from:

SMARTHOUSE technology offers devices that help the elderly and people with disabilities to live independently in their homes. This paper presents our experiences from a pilot project applying case-based reasoning techniques to match the needs of the... Read More about Case-based reasoning for matching SMARTHOUSE technology to people's needs..

Maintaining retrieval knowledge in a case-based reasoning system. (2001)
Journal Article
CRAW, S., JARMULAK, J. and ROWE, R. 2001. Maintaining retrieval knowledge in a case-based reasoning system. Computational intelligence [online], 17(2), pages 346-363. Available from:

The knowledge stored in a case base is central to the problem solving of a case-based reasoning (CBR) system. Therefore, case-base maintenance is a key component of maintaining a CBR system. However, other knowledge sources, such as indexing and simi... Read More about Maintaining retrieval knowledge in a case-based reasoning system..

Self-optimising CBR retrieval. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
JARMULAK, J., CRAW, S. and ROWE, R. 2000. Self-optimising CBR retrieval. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE international conference on tools with artificial intelligence (ICTAI 2000), 13-15 November 2000, Vancouver, Canada. New York: IEEE [online], article number 889897, pages 376-383. Available from:

One reason why Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) has become popular is because it reduces development cost compared to rule-based expert systems. Still, the knowledge engineering effort may be demanding. In this paper we present a tool which helps to reduce... Read More about Self-optimising CBR retrieval..

Debugging knowledge-based applications with a generic toolkit. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRAW, S. and BOSWELL, R. 2000. Debugging knowledge-based applications with a generic toolkit. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE international conference on tools with artificial intelligence (ICTAI 2000), 13-15 November 2000, Vancouver, Canada. New York: IEEE [online], article number 889866, pages 182-185. Available from:

Knowledge refinement tools assist in the debugging and maintenance of knowledge based systems (KBSs) by attempting to identify and correct faults in the knowledge that account for incorrect problem-solving. Most refinement systems target a single she... Read More about Debugging knowledge-based applications with a generic toolkit..

Informed selection and use of training examples for knowledge refinement. (2000)
WIRATUNGA, N.C. 2000. Informed selection and use of training examples for knowledge refinement. Robert Gordon University, PhD thesis.

Knowledge refinement tools seek to correct faulty rule-based systems by identifying and repairing faults indicated by training examples that provide evidence of faults. This thesis proposes mechanisms that improve the effectiveness and efficiency of... Read More about Informed selection and use of training examples for knowledge refinement..

Applying genetic algorithms to multi-objective land use planning. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MATTHEWS, K.B., CRAW, S., ELDER, S., SIBBALD, A.R. and MACKENZIE, I. 2000. Applying genetic algorithms to multi-objective land use planning. In Whitley, L.D., Goldberg, D.E., Cantú-Paz, E., Spector, L., Parmee, I.C. and Beyer, H.-G. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2000 Genetic and evolutionary computation conference (GECCO 2000): joint meeting of the 9th International conference on genetic algorithms (ICGA-2000), and the 5th Annual genetic programming conference (GP-2000), 10-12 July 2000, Las Vegas, USA. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, pages 613-620.

This paper explores the application of multi-objective genetic algorithms (mGAs) to rural land-use planning, a spatial allocation problem. Two mGAs are proposed. Both share an underlying structure of: fitness assignment using Pareto-dominance ranking... Read More about Applying genetic algorithms to multi-objective land use planning..

Representing problem-solving for knowledge refinement. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CRAW, S. and BOSWELL, R. 1999. Representing problem-solving for knowledge refinement. In Proceedings of the 16th American Association for Artificial Intelligence national conference on artificial intelligence (AAAI-99), co-located with the 11th Annual conference on innovative applications of artificial intelligence (IAAI-99), 18-22 July 1999, Orlando, USA. Palo Alto: AAAI Press, pages 227-234.

Knowledge refinement tools seek to correct faulty knowledge based systems (KBSs) by identifying and repairing potentially faulty rules. The goal of the KrustWorks project is to provide a source of refinement components from which specialised refineme... Read More about Representing problem-solving for knowledge refinement..

Knowledge modelling for a generic refinement framework. (1999)
Journal Article
BOSWELL, R. and CRAW, S. 1999. Knowledge modelling for a generic refinement framework. Knowledge-based systems [online], 12(5-6), pages 317-325. Available from:

Refinement tools assist with debugging the knowledge-based system (KBS), thus easing the well-known knowledge acquisition bottleneck, and the more recently recognised maintenance overhead. The existing refinement tools were developed for specific rul... Read More about Knowledge modelling for a generic refinement framework..