Roadmap for investigating epigenome deregulation and environmental origins of cancer.
Journal Article
HERCEG, Z., GHANTOUS, A., WILD, C.P., SKLIAS, A., CASATI, L., DUTHIE, S.J., FRY, R., ISSA, J.-P., KELLERMAYER, R., KOTURBASH, I., KONDO, Y., LEPEULE, J., LIMA, S.C.S., MARSIT, C.J., RAKYAN, V., SAFFERY, R., TAYLOR, J.A., TESCHENDORFF, A.E., USHIJIMA, T., VINEIS, P., WALKER, C.L., WATERLAND, R.A., WIEMELS, J., AMBATIPUDI, S., ESPOSTI, D.D. and HERNANDEZ-VARGAS, H. 2017. Roadmap for investigating epigenome deregulation and environmental origins of cancer. International journal of cancer [online], 142(5), pages 874-882. Available from:
The interaction between the (epi)genetic makeup of an individual and his/her environmental exposure record (exposome) is accepted as a determinant factor for a significant proportion of human malignancies. Recent evidence has highlighted the key role... Read More about Roadmap for investigating epigenome deregulation and environmental origins of cancer..