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All Outputs (5)

Development of an integrated connectedness model to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning. (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
AL-HAMAD, S., KOLLAR, L.E., ASIM, T. and MISHRA, R. 2016. Development of an integrated connectedness model to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning. In Dwivedi, Y.K., Mäntymäki, M., Ravishankar, M.N., Janssen, M., Clement, M., Slade, E.L., Rana, N.P., Al-Sharhan, S. and Simintiras, A.C. (eds.) Social media: the good, the bad and the ugly: proceedings of the 15th International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) e-Business, e-services and e-society conference (I3E 2016), 13-15 September, 2016, Swansea, UK. Lecture notes in computer science, 9844. Cham: Springer [online], pages 707-716. Available from:

Use of blended learning system in a structured manner results in achieving higher order skills in cognitive domain. However, there is a need to quantify skills improvements as the students go through lower level skills to higher level skills. To asce... Read More about Development of an integrated connectedness model to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning..

Development of a design methodology for hydraulic pipelines carrying rectangular capsules. (2016)
Journal Article
ASIM, T., MISHRA, R., ABUSHAALA, S. and JAIN, A. 2016. Development of a design methodology for hydraulic pipelines carrying rectangular capsules. International journal of pressure vessels and piping [online], 146, pages 111-128. Available from:

The scarcity of fossil fuels is affecting the efficiency of established modes of cargo transport within the transportation industry. Efforts have been made to develop innovative modes of transport that can be adopted for economic and environmental fr... Read More about Development of a design methodology for hydraulic pipelines carrying rectangular capsules..

Development of an information quality framework for mechanical engineering modules with enhanced treatment for pedagogical content. (2016)
Journal Article
ASIM, T., MISHRA, R. and ALSEDDIQI, M. 2016. Development of an information quality framework for mechanical engineering modules with enhanced treatment for pedagogical content. International journal of handheld computing research [online], 7(3), pages 16-23. Available from:

The technology based learning systems have capability to comply with diverse requirements of all the stakeholders in the modern education system. In technology based modules, such as those taught in Mechanical Engineering courses, the psychomotor con... Read More about Development of an information quality framework for mechanical engineering modules with enhanced treatment for pedagogical content..

Optimal design of hydraulic capsule pipelines transporting spherical capsules. (2016)
Journal Article
ASIM, T. and MISHRA, R. 2016. Optimal design of hydraulic capsule pipelines transporting spherical capsules. Canadian journal of chemical engineering [online], 94(5), pages 966-979. Available from:

The scarcity of fossil fuels affects the efficiency of established modes of cargo transport within the transportation industry. Extensive research is being carried out on improving the efficiency of existing modes of cargo transport, as well as devel... Read More about Optimal design of hydraulic capsule pipelines transporting spherical capsules..

Computational fluid dynamics based optimal design of hydraulic capsule pipelines transporting cylindrical capsules. (2016)
Journal Article
ASIM, T. and MISHRA, R. 2016. Computational fluid dynamics based optimal design of hydraulic capsule pipelines transporting cylindrical capsules. Powder technology [online], 295, pages 180-201. Available from:

Rapid depletion of energy resources has immensely affected the transportation sector, where the cargo transportation prices are rising considerably each year. Efforts have been made to develop newer modes of cargo transportation worldwide that are bo... Read More about Computational fluid dynamics based optimal design of hydraulic capsule pipelines transporting cylindrical capsules..